Must have a bad motivator.
Must have a bad motivator.
Sounds like a tower defence game, with the VIP as your tower. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, mind.
I vote for Ranma 1/2. Apart from anything else, every one of those books ends in a ridiculous big fight too.
@CRKFIEND: I'm good with unauthorised, old chap.
And I suppose I'll be the one who has to collect 8 Deathstalker Scorpion stingers from the Forest of Shadows. It's all grind, grind, grind in neuroscience these days.
One day - one day! - there'll be a picture of the game Alpha Centauri on here and the story will be about the game Alpha Centauri and I will rejoice, and get out the organic superlube.
@billysan: mmm... solids...
@PsychoNun: It was called Puzzle Bobble in the UK when it first came out.
@NixNada: whoa, that's quite a bit larger than I was expecting - sorry!
@Gringorilla: Sold!
I'll buy it again if they throw in a wallpaper of that gorgeous pirate ship picture they've made.
@baba_looy05: Civ V: Alpha Centauri would be very welcome!
@mistersneak: Not at all. My argument wasn't about the physical game of paintballing at all, but was in fact based on one of the points you bring up - that real paintballing is shooting without dying. You might be able to do other things in a real paintball game - capture the flag, moon the enemy, whatever - but at…
@Shocky: paintball video games are weird. I mean, in reality paintballing is a virtual war game of a sort. In a video game it's, what, a virtual virtual war game? hyper-virtual? Crap?
Fellow nerds who don't want to talk about things like race and class? But I'm a half elf paladin!
That looks like a great book! [citation needed]
#5 -which axe? he's got two in his inventory. :-)