
Yeah, but September 22nd is Organic Superlube day. It's great stuff - great stuff.

Just right for the modern campfire ghost story.

Man, that was tasty. I'd watch it again, but I'm on a diet.

The glasses aren't compatible with our monocles. Pip pip!

@dracosummoner: just had a look and there's not. There is the option to choose green instead of blue, and/or replace the mines with daisies.

@dracosummoner: I haven't played it in years so I looked in my Games folder, opened it up and...

Aww, I expected to see someone brandishing camouflage pants! But he's just wearing them...

@Doinker: I met him once. He gave me his autograph, but I had to blow him first.

@Godstar: Spore was my biggest gaming disappointment.

"Hold on, I'll check.

@Xenigma: Now how on Earth could you be in a bed, going up, down, up, down... ohhhhh...

The Higgs Boson? Aren't there five now? Huey, Duey, George, Ringo, and Extra Crispy. Something like that. I'm not a scientist.

I still say this would make a great photoshop contest (if it hasn't already, that is).

@palmer45: That's where we get our tube stations. "Insert rail (A) into station piece (D) and mind the gap (C)."

@kernow: The fifth rail is imaginary and the sixth is made of pumpkin pie.

@NixNada: ah, posts are back. Unless... am I dreaming again?!