That's odd. What's happened to today's posts? The new contest about anonymous game characters? Did I... dream it?
That's odd. What's happened to today's posts? The new contest about anonymous game characters? Did I... dream it?
Your first point is my biggest bugbear. It's just bad storytelling, if nothing else. Show me that the Doctor is all kinds of awesome, don't have HIM tell me!
@Walking Eye!: Yeah, we're down here! Come on!
Pong. Defines "video game" perfectly.
"Don't Dead Open Inside"? What? Maybe those fellas in there can help out. Let me just get this open...
Frankie Goes to Hollywood. That game's a work of art.
We didn't play on his lawn. He pissed on ours.
@outuendo: I would Expecto nothing less.
@Helis: Well, you could say that about most things.
@miquonranger03: Thank you. I do love me some H*R!
@miquonranger03: ...and all the kids would run! Run from lurching hip-lady!
Harryhausen effects are still awesome more than 40 years later. Lovely to see one of his films I'd not heard of, too. I'll need to check it out.
@Surturius: We were waiting for you.
@Fodder650: Seconded. Shot down in its prime it was.
@treefiftyz: there was a girl in that video?
@Thorax: The DLC is a surgical mask and a selection of noses.
@Vulcan Has No Moon: Nah, the Maquis were freedom fighters / terrorists, not pirates. I'm thinking more along the lines of, "hello, we're the federation, we come in piece - ha ha, no, actually you're boarded, give us yer latinum."
@mpitabribles: Hell, I'd settle for George Takei reading from the phone book.
I once thought that a "rogue" version of Star Trek might be the way to go. Have some starfleet members become disillusioned with the happy-clappy, no-money, synthehol-drinking federation, steal a starship and become pirates. Then Firefly came out and did space pirates so well there'd be no need to go back there.