Way to kill the joke. X________X
It was all in your mind dude. Don't worry about . Take some more pills. They're good for you.
The University's inventory of Windex has recently doubled.
Nothing says free movie like a free movie.
Invisible trackpad? Bah. I appreciate my notebook's "pounding" sensors on the trackpad. Whenever my favorite blogging site is down, I like to club the plastic computer shell with my fists.
I wouldn't go as far as saying these images are surreal but they do strike an "angle" of a view Somewhat scary to look at. Makes you feel much like an insect.
Huh. I like it.
@Trystian: A man's worst nightmare. Everything you scan reads out tampons.
Okay, we're lacking some true definition of media blogging.............What about the brand of condom? Was it flavored?
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: You know he was joking right?
You know, besides video chat, I don't know if I can find the courage to literally take pictures with a giant touchscreen. I guess that's just me.
@tomatO_-: Pedobear lifts up cars like Terminator.
Hey Maw! Take a picture of me holdin the car up.
@Xander Crews: Those "round-flat" European taillights and a mid-size body is a dead giveaway. It's actually a Ford Fusion and most likely FWD.