
Saying he has never heard ofZeniMax probably won’t seem like much of a “burn” in the end (at least not in the way it is meant here). I hadn’t either, but I certainly have heard of Bathesda and id, and their respective franchises. And I also know of Carmack. While I’m not a hardcore gamer, he’s a legend, and just about

Actually, for that size clutch in 2001, $300 wasn’t demonstrably cheaper than retail. I only bought it on eBay because they didn’t sell that color locally and there was no such thing as a legit online store back then.

Nothing witty, I just hope he fucking dies.

Supposedly, Trump is writing his own speech, too!

What we’ve done instead of trying to surround him with what people consider A-listers is we are going to surround him with the soft sensuality of the place. It’s a much more poetic cadence than having a circus-like celebration that’s a coronation,” Barrack said. “That’s the way this president-elect wanted it.

I swear every morning since the election I’ve woken up and had the horrible realization that Trump is going to be president over and over. It’s like the movie Groundhog Day without the comedy.

Boyden could have published these books as someone who had a great affinity with First Nations Canadians who *might* also have some Native ancestry. No one would have had a problem with that. However, they might not have been as successful as they were being framed as from inside that Native perspective. That added

Very Rachel Dolezal. “But I FEEL indigenous!”

Seriously. Game Warden behaves like Cunt and you back him up. Ergo, you are also a Cunt

Dogs and cats are food to!

Choosing to shoot the animal (a tame, pet small to medium sized herbivore) is cruel at best and unprofessional and malevolent at its worst. I am not talking about the legal side of things. I am talking about how these “wardens” chose the worst possible approach to the situation and (beside other things) managed to

And any dog could have rabies.... Let’s just shoot them all, shall we?

So are Chihuahuas, it’s all a matter of perspective.

What they did was cruel and showed a complete lack of empathy. They made zero effort to work with a family that obviously cared deeply for the animal and there was no apparent threat to anyone or anything.

You’re forgetting, these are Americans. The only thing they love more than shooting guns is excess.

They shot it five times? How incompetent are these guys?

As an audiophile...the overprice comes (just as in ANY hobby) diminishing returns in performnce vs costs.

Why in the world would anyone buy a Technics TT over a Rega RP8 if you’re in the market for a $4,000 TT?

So very sorry. There is nothing better than a good cat.