
A Canadian Moose would say “Fuck your feelings, sorry”

Kinja says “fuck your feelings”.

That’s a mild headline around here, plenty of f-bombs when needed in the title. Been that way for a loooong time. Maybe change the name to Clean Harry?

You do realize that Kinja is a blogging platform and not the “company” with editorial oversight here, right?

It’s not about who’s to blame that is so frustrating, it’s about the fact that they don’t give a shit, even after being explained AND seeing the aftermath.

It sounds like Comcast needs to have training done by the local power company on safe working conditions in all weather situations and the local, state and federal regulations on blocking traffic.

I am certain that no lineman would have gone up in the bucket truck with the way the road closure was setup. They don’t

Yeah, but if the police showed up and told them to put up more cones, I would bet that they would have. So I’d still put the techs at mostly to blame.

Oh, the upper-level military and the intelligences agencies hate his guts, and aren’t even really quiet about it.

Yes, to make sure it doesn’t go to the poors or healthcare or anything awful like that.

The good news is even if Trump tried to dissolve the deal, Europe, Russia and China were all clear that they did not see the need for further sanctions on Iran and lifting sanctions was a major crux of the deal. If only the US is applying sanctions, the effect will be muted.

God, what a piece of shit. If there’s any proof that this man does not care what happens to Diaspora Jews, this is it.

So, I guess we’re going to keep dumping billions of dollars into Israel for the next millennium or so, yes?

Without running me through the ringer, please correct me then. Tell me what I SHOULD know.

Wow. I guess Trump and Israel really, really want Iran to have nukes.

If you can’t criticize Israel for the shit they’ve done without being acused of anti-semitism, then the world is truly fucked.

It doesn’t seem like his hopes will be born out, however.

Kinda like how 9/11 was good for Israel, huh Benjamin? Always seeing opportunity in tragedy, that Benjamin.

Yet another world leader licking his chops at the opportunity to play Trump like a fiddle to advance his own country’s interests against America’s.

I’ll say it: Israel should be left to their own devices. Period.

Blah, blah, blah. What else would you expect from that saber-rattling prick?