
Went to see Office Space with a bunch of friends. It was sold out. So, we bought tickets to a movie that I had heard nothing about. No trailer, no word of mouth, no reviews. I had no expectations. It ended up being one of my favorite movies to date. Anytime this is on TV, I stop and watch.

You gave examples of extremes, which isn't particularly helpful. Is taking someone out for drinks tantamount to drugging them? Is using psychological conditioning ok (dating, in general, is about associating yourself with positive things... like gifts, good food, adventures, etc)?!

This raises an interesting point that I've pondered a bit in real life. At what point, exactly, does seduction (in it's many many forms) become coercion? This author gives some rather obvious examples of where seduction has crossed the line... but I think there are plenty of situations in even our every day lives that

Fucking Icarus, just can't let things go.

Using peoples own words in the context they were intended! It's just rude!

For someone who wears the name of one of the greatest and most irreverent satirists and masters of irony in the whole history of the English language, you sound quite prickly and humorless. Better take a look on that!

I find religion offensive and appalling, so deal with it.

dude, the article is literally parts of the Bible.

The god of the Bible is, frankly, an immature three-year-old who treats humanity like a bunch of toys that don't behave the way he wants them to, even though they're behaving in the way he designed them to be. He expects humanity to worship him and live up to his moral standards, but he fails to meet his own moral

All right. Doesn't your own argument mean that the Bible is just complete nonsense, since it tries to do exactly what you just decried?

Oh, for the love of. Yes, the USSR was pretty depressing in that quality of life and access to consumer items was lower than in the west, but this attempt to...exotify that is just weird. Want me to go through the family photos and find the sunny holidays on the beach in Crimea, the bohemian student parties, the

I've gotten through many New England snowstorms in a rear wheel drive car on all-season tires with no ABS. Often times I did it before the roads were salted or plowed. I don't fancy myself a particularly great driver, but at least competent. I drove slow, steadily and smart.

No. Just flat out no. Plows are not always out before the snow. Salt either comes too late, or can be washed away by rain that falls ahead of the snow. This makes for longer and more dangerous commutes. There will be deaths, easily topping the 5 in Alabama in larger cities. Yet life doesn't stop for those still alive.

I wouldn't call this fear-mongering you idiot. The study was published in the National Academy of Sciences and is the work of nine scientists from three countries, including lead author Jintai Lin from Beijing’s Peking University. The Washington Post didn't make this shit up (not this time).

Meet the pilots. Take off, eh.

I always like to describe it as "full contact ballet." There's a reason that Black Swan and The Wrestler were originally going to be one film.

And much funnier than anything said by Ron Burgundy.

I just don't get these companies. Would it really hurt them to give the guy something, a quarter or half percent of sales? A lot of companies do this kind of thing.

True, but I would put Charlie Baltimore up against anyone on the list above.

No Long Kiss Goodnight? Terrible list. Not only the finest female action film ever made but possibly the finest action film in recent memory; certainly on a par with the likes of Ronin.