
I picture him more like a delusional little guy with a little mustache sitting in a bunker trying to rule a country that no longer exists while bombs are exploding above him.

But... watching these arrogant, greedy assholes implode publicly is so much fun!

I like the site and I find much of the content enjoyable and informative. Why shouldn't I be here?

Find me a world leader whose reputation isn't "checkered", or who it isn't prudent to "have reservations about", my point is that to say those things without going any way to explaining what you're talking about is kinda passive aggressive. I agree that Jose Mujica is a fascinating character (although I suspect his

Let me get this straight. You're "not really a political blog" so when a political figure you clearly want to criticize dies you dig up some old photos of him driving a beetle as an excuse to write some passive aggressive paragraph that needs to be padded out with some pictures of another beetle driving politician