
The only reason the press puts people on pedestals is so they can then knock them off.

I have been peripherally involved in several news stories over my lifetime and found that the media consistently got the story wrong. Every Fucking Time! When I spoke to others about this phenomena they all said that they had noticed the same thing. I learned long ago that to get anywhere close to the truth I had to

And took the money .

Now playing

While I like Lenny’s version well enough, like most Canadians I’m just crazy for k.d.

Or just see them for what they are. The internet version of the old supermarket tabloids with the Bat Boy on the cover and ads for Miracle Bracelets and Slivers Of The One True Cross inside, Going Fast, Act Now! You start from the premise that every story is complete bullshit or blatant clickbait and it goes downhill

“Warnings. We are exploring labeling stories that have been flagged as false by third parties or our community, and showing warnings when people read or share them.”

For me the actual music is far more important than the trouble it took me to find a copy. The chase is just a pain in the arse. I have better things to do with my time.

The phones they’re talking about in the story are all under warranty.

Remember way back when National Geographic had some class...

You heard about the Innu who came across a friend working on his broken down snowmobile on the side of a trail and said “It looks like you blew a seal.” His friend replied “Nah, that’s just frost on my beard.”

Yes, only a Spic can call a Spic a Spic.

Zekaria Sitchen wrote about this in his book The 12th Planet years ago.

I used to work in a small shop in Calgary and we used to grab them and beat the shit out of them.

More like this... Always been more of a Daffy fan.

What a great movie that was. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I have an old iron cannonball that I picked up from the crawl space under an old house in Calgary 35 years ago. I always thought it was solid shot. I’ve even used it as a hammer the odd time. Think I’ll stop doing that

I understand your attitude towards jokes. After all you have to look in the mirror every morning of your life and see a fucking joke staring back at you.

Have you people ever heard of something called a “joke?” Fer Christ’s Sake this is the fucking internet, not a court of law. Get over yourselves.

I didn’t buy $400 Sennheiser headphones to listen to them through a cheap overpriced Apple dongle. To Hell with Apple and their Proprietary F’ing Bullshite!

When people asked me Star Wars or Star Trek I always answered Babylon 5.