
I have some words. How about Nice Fucking Job Protecting Your Family You Gun Crazy Right Wing Bitch!

Chicago is the wrong place for a Lucas museum. A far better fit for the people and culture of Chicago would be a crime and murder museum.

Not Fucking Fair! He was only 27. I hate seeing people die so young.

Then you should probably stay away from the overflow release pipes at coastal sewage treatment plants.

Well what they say is backed up by their actions. I offer plenty of choices in the beverage department to my guests but most ask for coffee and drink pot after pot of it. I’m also well past sharp enough and old enough to be able to tell when someone is blowing smoke up my ass. Do you still have trouble with that?

Well what they say is backed up by their actions. I offer plenty of choices in the beverage department to my guests

Scene Stealers

In my long personal experience with perked coffee (over 40 years) I’ve found that the ingredients are far more important than the machine. That said $150 seems pretty steep for a machine that boils water and spreads it over coffee grounds. I paid $35 for my current Sunbeam and it does the job nicely. When making

In my long personal experience with perked coffee (over 40 years) I’ve found that the ingredients are far more

Place looks like it’s in desperate need of a good cleaning.

Perhaps a stone used to scrub clean the inside of chimneys.

I always loved Beaters. I usually either bought one to drive in the winter here in Canada or just drove them year round. I was fond of old Chevy Caprices because they were easy and cheap to buy and fix. I even had a couple of used cabs with four and five hundred thousand miles on them but pretty much everything had

Actually the creeping barrage was invented and first used by the Canadians in WW 1.

I raise my fist like that when I win a fucking video game amongst other reasons. Nothing at all political about it.

If it ends up that Uber drivers don’t have to get fingerprint checks then that requirement should be removed from cab drivers too. Also if Uber is allowed to run in Austin then cab companies should be allowed to institute surge pricing when it’s busy just as Uber can. That way cabbies can make up for some of the money

AKA, HOOP Sex, and if you’re not careful, POOP Sex.

Not saying I’m old but my first kiss was thee first kiss.

Is Instagram trying to say they own the rights to the suffix gram now?

Everyone here is bitching about your choice but I don’t hear anyone bitching about all those voting for Hillary only because they have a f’ing vagina in common. Vaginal voting seems fine with them. I guess it makes choosing a candidate easier. Just check your drawers and vote accordingly.

The third witness and Lucy DeCoutere also texted each other over five thousand times. All the info is there for those willing to look.

I cut the cord a while ago and just have internet now from Shaw and a cell with Rogers. I get 300 GB a month from Shaw for $68. and 2 GB a month from Rogers plus all the free LD for $55. I’m happy with the price.

I cut the cord a while ago and just have internet now from Shaw and a cell with Rogers. I get 300 GB a month from

We used to stretch the games out by having to make every shot a bank or combo to count.