
If I were forced to choose between aluminum and steel for truck body parts I’d ask which one is cheaper to fix after the almost inevitable accident. I know that when I drove cab we bought Chevys over Fords because they were both cheaper and easier to fix.

Why thank you. I like it too but then I always liked the truth winning out over BS.

Like my mother said to my father “Pull Out!” but like my father, they won’t.

“them Jews know how to do conventional warfare.”

Pigs are the same everywhere. They’re fucking arrogant brutal murderous assholes and I cheer every time one of them get a beat down due to their own stupidity. This train pig deserved no less than a beatdown and with that attitude will undoubtedly get one soon.

It’s stupid and greedy rulings like this one in response to artist whinging that make me feel fine about stealing music online. Je ne regrette rien!

I think grey is often the colour of the uncomfortable, unwanted question. The ones the media are tasked with asking but avoid to maintain relationships with people that lie to them. Understandably they are sometimes as uncomfortable to ask as they are to answer but that doesn’t absolve the true journalist of their

115 degrees Fahrenheit wouldn’t hurt most home electronics as they normally surpass that temperature internally on their own. My stereo, my modems, my computer, my LED TV’s and all my small kitchen appliances surpass that temperature when running. The Winnipeg landlord got around the problem by insisting all tenants

I heard heat is better. I read about one landlord in Winnipeg Canada who bought an outdated trailer from a tractor trailer unit and outfitted it with gas heaters that brought the internal temperature way up. I’m sorry but I can’t remember how high he had it. Anyway before tenants could move in they had to store their

You can buy a mattress protector that zips over your expensive mattress and keeps the little bastards out. Pillow protectors too. Try Walmart or Amazon. Worth the money!

Found them in my apt. once. Tried Raid for Bedbugs on two I had captured. I put them on an arborite countertop, sprayed them liberally with the Raid, put an inverted Mason Jar over them and waited. I checked 45 minutes later they were still alive and doing La Cucaracha under glass. I had a liter of 98% rubbing alcohol

To tell you the truth I find nature recordings work best. I love to fall asleep to rain, thunderstorms and ocean waves hitting the beach.

To quote the late great Rodney Dangerfield, “I don’t know how to go to sleep. I only know how to pass out.”

This used to be an Evil Kowalski joke

So many people saying they know for sure Manson is guilty as if they were there to witness his crimes. The only thing I know FOR SURE is the US justice system is deeply flawed and all too often a person’s guilt is determined by his bank balance. We’ve all seen story after story of DNA proving innocence after people

I think you mean Charles Ng. He was Leonard Lake’s accomplice and he was captured alone shoplifting at the Hudson’s Bay store in downtown Calgary Canada by an unarmed store security guard named Sean Doyle who captured Ng after being shot in the hand by him.

I found the book Manson In His Own Words by the author Nuel Emmons released in 1986 to be a fascinating read. Couldn’t put it down. Based on interviews with Manson before institutionalization drove him insane the book lays out the whole deal from Charlie’s point of view. As with any news story big or small the best

I don’t know about the Pagans where you live but we never have orgies, violent or calm (Sigh) and our Law Of Three kinda rules out cruelty completely.

Welcome to Wicca. Make yourself at home.

I used to do the same thing decades ago in a Datsun 510 and a 1200 that I delivered pizza in after school. The cars were provided by the pizzeria of course. I would never do that to my own car.