
But just imagine the realistic battle scenes....


Check out the work of Canadian scientist Gerald Bull and his work for the US government on Project HARP. That was before the US government jailed him on a trumped up charge and Israel assassinated him on a bullshit pretext.

The police have made their intentions known nationwide. Armed or unarmed, adult or child, they will shoot you whenever they feel like it. Your lives mean nothing to them. If you aren't in fear for your life by now you're just not paying attention and since being in fear for your life justify's deadly force in the

Did you really think stuxnet would go unanswered?

What do you fight violence with?

The driver must have thought they were a police officer and could kill people with impunity for the crime of slowing their commute.

I and many like me weren't left out of being brutalized by the police and justice system. We're just left out by the likes of you. When we say all lives matter do you think black people are not included in that equation? I know all other races who suffer the brutality of the police as well sure as hell feel left out

All I knew about Pharrell Williams was that he had to wear stupid hats to get people to pay attention to his singing. Now I know he's an Oreo too. You DO learn something new every day!

That sets quite the precedent doesn't it? The Canadian courts are now saying that disseminating child pornography is not a serious crime worthy of jail time but growing seven pot plants is.

That is one weird three way.

Now Rusty, Don't go ruining some drama queen's perfectly good hissy fit just because it's transparently disingenuous clickbait. Patent bullshit is the lifeblood of the blogosphere.

Sounds like some twisted version of Pete's Dragon.

All they had to ask for is a Mary Ann Summers or Bailey Quarters type.

Isn't that money already earmarked to buy tanks, artillery, jet fighters and beer for small town police departments?

There's nothing but nude scenes in The Satisfiers Of Alpha Blue since it's a porn sci-fi movie but it has quite a few funny scenes including one where a guy tries to get a hand job from a masseuse but she refuses saying it's not in her job description. His reply? Fucking Unions!

The sign's got it right. NO police department in New Orleans. Just a goon squad.

So Azealia Banks is recommending incest in place of lyrical violence? She probably doesn't realize incest is violence. I'm sure it's just the way she was raised but just because she likes it doesn't mean Eminem will.

I've worked as a tour guide through The Rockies around Banff, Lake Louise and Jasper Alberta. I've seen many such weather extremes but the one I like the most is the Chinook wind that rolls through Calgary and melts all the snow. It happens often enough that our civic government has come to depend on it for snow

Does anybody else feel the current Lego obsession is a manufactured craze akin to Beanie Babies and Sports Card collecting? It is only a toddlers toy marketed by a brilliant ad campaign after all.