
But the vast majority of people who need urgent care wouldn’t get it.

It’s the world’s only car enthusiast site that is somehow also anti-car.

Oh, I envy you. One of my dream journeys is a ride across Namibia to see where the Namib desert meets the Atlantic. It’s a surreal sight in photos.

This is so incredibly satisfying.

I kinda like the fact that it is not a racier mid-engined car. For someone (especially a “youth” like myself) who can actually consider a $60K car, this will very well be my only car. So I need to live with it. The other Mid-engine cars are probably second cars for those customers and they buy it for a specific

Please reserve your Internet outrage until you’ve actually been to the dealer and sat in one.

SSSShhhhhsh. (This goes against the Jalopnik narrative.).....It was too tight for TINY Kristen Lee everybody! Too cramped!!!

Every Batsuit cowl since Keaton has done that weird fat-face/fishmouth thing to the actors, regardless of their actual appearance.

There’s a lot of snobbery that people without kids seem to have too. See, this article. You dont want kids. That’s awesome. Dont have them. But making the choice to have them doesn’t turn people into some caricature the way this article, this site and many of the commenters on here love to assume.

I’m 28, single. Not a big partier but I do like to go out, I play music in various bands, etc. Nothing about married, kid life sounds boring to me. I can’t wait for the opportunity to unleash fresh terror on the world.

Amen, Brother! Even though the headline prepared me for what I was about to read, I lost interest about a paragraph in. She has no clue, and I didn’t find it humorous, either.

It’s pretty safe to assume that Kristen doesn’t have kids by reading this. But I feel it should be mentioned, as someone who had kids fairly recently and fairly late in life that it seems to me only someone without kids could feel this way. And maybe some self centered pricks with kids. But lets hope those are deep

Bingo. BMW, Merc, even Audi have turned into rented luxury. For Merc, that’s a stunning development to behold for an old geezer like me - when I was a kid, a W123 was the definition of a solid investment, the S class was not just the standard by which all other cars were measured but also was built like a tank, and

I’d love to know how much of the BMW/Merc figures are leases. Lexus is the dominant luxury vehicle here on the east coast of Central Florida. I have yet to meet one person that is on a lease and doesn’t outright own the vehicle.

How does this article not mention the new LS? That thing is a space ship from the future, and if I were a rich white geezer I’d go with that over the S, 7, or A8 in a heartbeat. Look at this thing!

Looks like there were a lot of other rich folk not standing either.

Thanks for making it clear to us you are a racist hate monger.

Normally the rich guy gets the great looking girl. What happened here?

Ok because it will bother me all night if I don’t say something....