It was supposed to be a Scion, so I guess it would fit their nomenclature. All Toyotas have real names except the Rav4, but even that name you don’t say the letters, but what it spells.
It was supposed to be a Scion, so I guess it would fit their nomenclature. All Toyotas have real names except the Rav4, but even that name you don’t say the letters, but what it spells.
Mercedes is just catering to the people they know buy their cars, especially in the United States....badge whores. It’s why they, along with BMW, have no qualms about introducing fwd cars, where as in the past they made fun of fwd cars in their marketing.
I’ll bet you a bumper to bumper, unlimited mile, extended factory warranty that it’ll break down before you get there.
Sounds like a lot of dick sucking to go with the product you want. I pay, and just ask people to give me the shit I’m paying for, suck up to somebody else.
Buying a car, especially a fantastic, new age one such as the X, being at a reveal party, and doing well enough that you can afford to buy it....but the guy is bitching about food and a couple of hours of his time.
WTF is that thing......bleh. Here, just make this!
You’re absolutely right. I have a friend who is an actor, not a big time one, but you know, the guy who holds up a lady or something (he’s Latino ;-) lol). He gets a lot of work from Law&Order, CSI, etc.
I’m the guy who made the new NSX. It’s pretty sweet.
They should have canned him as he threw up while being DRIVEN around a race track as the host of a fucking car show.
The biggest lie is the “market value” price the salesperson scribbles down on a piece of paper in front of him before rotating it and pushing it towards you while staring at the ceiling and rubbing his chin..............on a Toyota Camry.
I saw Khloe on The Tonight Show and was like “daaayyyyuuum”.
I wonder how much a whole cow costs. I wouldn’t mind buying it and putting her out to pasture in some farm somewhere. This was so moving and heartbreaking at the same break free like that from slaughter, if only for a few moments more.
I was watching Aziz Ansari’s new show on Netflix, and couldn’t stop laughing at the scene in which Ansari shows a picture and breaks it to his Indian friend/fellow actor that the dude in Short Circuit 1 and 2 wasn’t what his friend thought he was.
I still can’t believe Renault/Nissan/Infiniti didn’t make a proper supercar (by that I mean mid engine/carbon fiber, etc) with the GTR engine and drivetrain. It would absolutely demolish everything.
Why the fuck MICHIGAN??? I can understand Texas, Florida, New Mexica, Arizona, Neveda, gets hot there year round...but Michigan?
I’ll just leave this here.
She makes pussy and sex jokes, mixed in with self deprecation, it’s not that original, so it’s going to eventually sound like something somebody else said. This is why she gets a lot of shit for being unfunny. I like her though, funny enough to kill time, but nothing she says makes you crack up and laugh out…
Seriously. I had a delivery job for the local supermarket when I was a kid, and a guy came out with a bat threatening to bash my car if I didn’t move it. I had pulled into his driveway to deliver groceries to the tenant that lived in his basement, to avoid blocking the one way street, and get a little closer to the…
What an unbelievable moron, to file a claim with his insurance company knowing he’s operating an illegal vehicle, and was lucky that he got through titling, registering and even insuring it in the first place. Heck, according to him, even the cops loved it!
You could’ve bought an Aston Martin for the price of....oh, wait a minute.....Tavaresh...what’s going on???? It’s not supposed to work like this!