
actually I guess this would have no bots on the console version....

Can I ask why there hasn't been an article about Sonys recent financial results? I'm not gonna claim bias, but it is interesting and something that I think should be discussed here as much as Nintendo recent results were.

This is what those that shout Nintendoomed over and over don't understand, if Microsoft and Sonys gaming divisions were independent companies rather than parts of larger corporations they would already be dead.

I'd question yours if you really think its anywhere close to hardcore porn.

"Nintendo made him pull it"

I was gonna say...

It's a gaming blog, not a gaming news site... and no, it ain't a slow news day

They still are, and still do... they just have worse batting average these days.

That would be hilarious, as I'm assuming they'd use another video-jab at Microsoft to announce it

This system did need many tweaks to be anything similar to Steam, but a whole lot of the ideas were pretty neat. And I say that as someone who dreads the demise of physical media, someone who trades games in all the times, and someone who every time opens up a game, is disheartened to find the lack of a manual.

Microsoft just underestimated consumer interest in future-y sounding things that aren't quite up to par. If internet in north american was always on high speed, and if the kinect worked 100% with every language on the planet, it would have been a whole other ballgame.

It'll never happen they said...

Whoawhoawhoawhoa, whoa. Do no group GoT in with that bloody porno drek. Sure there's boobies in it, but never in the history of earth was there a day boobies didn't exist. It's an adult show with adult subject matter. And unlike True Blech none of the sex is supposed to be sexy.

I have been hoping for almost this exact game, especially after playing stuff like beat hazard and audiosurf. The only thing that could make it better would be some Elite Beat Agents style sections

Has anyone played Grinsia? It just came out on the eshop, and while it looks promising I wanna be sure before I buy it

Oh God, I tried playing Abyss on 3ds and I just couldn't stomach all the fonon jargo. It was just way too much explaining, over and over again to Luke (who I was already on the fence about) but after 20 hours I was done.