
If Bayonetta was a person, you can guarantee she'd be a feminist and that her clothing (or lack there of) would be her own choice, full well knowing that it is very provocative. As a creation by a man (in Japan, which we all know has many differences to western culture) it's easy to see how someone might say she is

Really it's downright disgraceful how over at Kotaku's sister site Gawker they call pretty much every gamer basement dwelling virgin MRA troglodytes, and we're supposed to take it in stride. I don't have a dog in this #gg race, but it's pretty insulting how Gawker media is pretty much name calling people who happen


I can just imagine all the jobs that will become obsolete within our lifetime due to 3D printing. Soon enough we'll be able to print out house parts and assemble it IKEA style and then thousands of surly men will be out of business.

You laugh now, but just you wait for the epic game announcements at UGS 2014

"The ironing is delicious."

At this point I think it's fair to say that Kojima is literally in love with David Bowie. I mean, Diamond Dog?

"Bees in my net, Bee-bees in my net."

He's putting you out like a cigarette, he's done with you.

I've been looking at these watches for a while, and I REALLY want one. But I just know that once it arrived it won't fit on my gorilla wrists.


I had the same thing happen to my 2ds screen and I had to do a system to system transfer, can you still make out some of what's on the screen?

Plot Twist: Activision cancels Xbox versions and announces the Destiny on Wii U with exclusive Amibos

I think it's because Bayonetta is the protagonist, and her attitude implies that she's a "third wave feminist", from wiki :

I would literally swim to Japan if they announced that Farfetch'd would be in the game

But...the Pokemon Company is owned by Nintendo right? Wouldn't these decisions have to go through them? And how are PC/Tablets more efficient ways to play the WiiU/3DS, in what way? I'm not saying that they need to use these games to get people to play on those systems but if Nintendo was fully aware of this game

That's probably why I find this so perplexing. Is this an official move to nintendo apps on mobile? It surely doesn't seem like it judging by the lack of fanfair. But if it IS, then why isn't it releasing simultaneously on Wii U / 3DS? That's where Nintendo's hardcore supporters play, there's only a few devices to

Totally worth it, I got one for the gf for xmas along with every King Of The Hill episode (which I felt was justified cause they never released the later seasons on dvd/netflix)

OK I just watched Hook and it was the perfect ironic eulogy for the death of the man that was such a major part of my childhood(tears were shed). I was able to watch it thanks to the surge in torrents sharing his memory in downloadable form, accompanied by many R.I.P comments. And now he might be temporarily

It just so happens these dot rows are rather loud and clear, which is always a plus. They're the sort of holes that welcome friends to gather around the screen. Maybe they'll bring popcorn.