
I freaking love my 2ds, I find it controls much more comfortably since the l + r are much larger, and there's more space under the controls to support your grip. I tried playing street fighter on an XL and I just couldn't manage. Besides with the money you'll save instead of buying a 3ds you can grab a qualifying game

That's really what I want from this, a little acknowledgement from Nintendo, there hasn't been any mention at all from them....A Helix statue in a museum would be lovely, or perhaps facing a gym leader Red, with this final team.

I would give my left nut for a Civ Rev rerelease on Wii U.

My friend just lent me Secret of Mana, after I found a snes recently. So when I saw this I had hoped it was for the 3ds. Shame, the gameplay looks fun, but you'll never convince me that mobile gaming can be comfortable for this type of game.

Lego gear solid?

This has got to be the most interesting spontaneous social experiment in gaming since the WoW contagion incident of '05.

Are American comic books even popular in Japan?

That's the double edged sword, isn't it? I didn't buy Dead Space 3 on principle, because fuck micro transactions in full priced games, but EA probably understood that as me not wanting to play anymore dead space. So my wallet vote likely killed one of my favourite new series from last gen :-/

Honestly if you ever find a way to play it , you should give it a go.

EDIT: double post

Here's hoping!

Well I suppose the company you bought stock in would be your "brand of choice".

Oh shut your butt. I'm certain that when the ps4 hits 6 million post Japanese launch the article will be posted along a link to the original goals. Jeez, why you gotta assume that Kotaku hates your brand of choice?

"Brevik! There's a new console in your cell for you."

I just can't let my heart be broken again Iwata, I can't get my hopes up.

You know what I'd enjoy? a gritty Wire-esque show with lots of grey area morals, and an Game of thrones feel. You know, lots of rival clans (Hells Angel Bikers, Gangstas, Italian Mafia) fighting for control of a city, no one team to root for, likeable characters on all sides. Set before the rise of mobile phones and

Dayman (ah-ah-ah)
Fighter of the Nightman (ah-ah-ah)

I think the point that EA is a business is valid. Counter Point: EA is a business run by bad people, I don't even think this is up for debate it's pretty much fact. They're willing to kill their own treasured franchises in favour of the casual buck. If there is no outcry, no backlash how long before there are no more

This kid and what he did are a product of a system that has failed, and there is no one thing to blame. The parents likely failed to have the "talk" with him, and if they did, I'm assuming consent didn't come up. Also, where were they when this happened? His school likely bears the same responsibility, I know in my