
NOT the same. A movie is the exact same every time no matter what. A videogame is often different for each person that plays it. Two people can play Mass Effect and get a completely different experience. It's not even remotely the same as just playing a movie or song and talking over them also. At least 50% of a game

That's trademark, not copyright infringement. If Zack was running a business or making a product and using the Mario Bros. name, then Nintendo would have to act or risk losing the trademark on the name. Copyright doesn't expire if you don't act. They're well within their rights to allow LPers to use their material

And if you switch internet providers, move, go on vacation where you won't have internet access, or any other situation which would cause you to have no internet access for more than a day? You just shouldn't be allowed to play your single player games that in no way require internet? Yeah, fuck that.

Exactly. NOT posted on Twitter. It's a thing called tact. You can hate or have contempt for anyone you want, but the moment you make it known, you invite anger / disapproval from anyone that doesn't agree. Don't want the peasants to be mad that you don't give a shit about their unreliable internet connection because

It's not that he said something people don't want to hear. It's that he said it with such contempt. When informed many people wouldn't be able to use an always-on machine, he pretty much responded with "Who gives a shit? I have good internet, so fuck those guys!"

No. In every way, no.

As they said, non-commercial use. But more to the point, he's stated outright that he bought the proper licenses to be able to distribute his version, and since it's a cover, couldn't release it under his usual Creative Commons license. So commercial or not, his arrangement of Baby Got Back wasn't released under

That's exactly the point though. You get the badass points to boost everything so you're not annoyingly beholden to a single weapon type. It was stupid how in the first one, a game of a billion guns, you always had to choose between two weapon types, then once you made that choice, you were stuck with it. If you went

Uh, except not. A lot of the story has been made up as he goes along. Things like the trolls weren't even originally a part of the planned story. The fact you somehow thought he has everything planned out to the letter shows how remarkable Hussie's flexibility and ability to connect a thousands-of-pages story into a

"We want to keep pirates from messing with this system as badly as they did the PSP"

Which is a perfectly valid point, and not at all what I was addressing. I was addressing the completely unnecessary "Old news!" statement that these have been around for years, when he outright says he knew but ignored until some were forced on him.

Wow. The sheer amount of people that didn't follow what this does is kind of surprising. No, you can't cancel your cable or DSL or whatever internet and use these instead and they aren't a wireless router. You plug one of these into an outlet AND your router, and the other one into another outlet AND the device you

"I'd heard of devices similar to the Powerline Internet AV Kit, but I never paid them much heed. Their function was exactly why I invested in all of this fancy-shmancy wireless technology after all. Why spend the extra cash when my wireless connection is as reliable as any wired gadget?"

There's a difference between incentivizing new purchases and punishing used purchases. Rewarding customers for purchasing new is great. Most of the online pass complainers actually agree with that. Dragon Age 2 and Saints Row 3 incentivized new purchases by offering upgrades like the DA2 Signature Edition or the Genki

Point three is precisely why this rant, and the company arguments for online passes, are bullshit. If Gamestop pushing used games hurts the industry so fucking bad that devs are starving and modes like multiplayer must be ripped out and put behind an online pass so badly, then WHY IN THE BLUE FUCK ARE THEY PROVIDING

There's a difference between incentivizing new purchases and punishing used purchases. Rewarding customers for purchasing new is great. Most of the online pass complainers actually agree with that. Dragon Age 2 and Saints Row 3 incentivized new purchases by offering upgrades like the DA2 Signature Edition or the Genki

No. Not at all. This is the stupidest statement from the "Don't buy used" club. Yes, with physical products like cars or bikes or clothes, buying used results in a diminished experience. But that's due to physical wear. It's due to the fact that shit breaks down. It just does. It's not due to some built-in failsafe

6. 4 is really good, but if you only play one, 6 is the one to go with. It gives you a lot more of a customizable playing experience, rather than just being locked into the party it gives you for the entire game, along with accessories, equips, and espers that can vastly change a character's build. Plus it's got the

Replying to promote. And to agree with the rare "8 was good" sentiment. It's not my favorite of the series, but it's definitely top 5. I never got all the hate it gets.

That's because 6 is the best. 4's ridiculously close in my book, but the opera scene ensures that 6 will always come out on top. I love 5's job system (which is why unlike most, I liked X-2. It was basically utilizing a similar, well done job system if you could get past the Barbie dress-up fluff), but the story and