
And everyone else is also missing that in addition to all of those, it only affects you if you're actually one of, what I assume must be a really small percentage, of the Minecraft users that plays using Afrikaans. Even if Minecraft is somehow huge in South Africa and Namibia, the amount of them using the dev build

That's coming as future DLC.

What's with all the doom and gloom naysayers here? What makes any of you think doing away with MS Points means they're forcing you to use a credit card? Where does it say anything of the sort? It only says points are being done away with. As in, no more bullshit 400 points = $5 conversion. If you're in the US, a $5

Where does it say anything of the sort? It only says points are being done away with. As in, no more bullshit 400 points = $5 conversion. If you're in the US, a $5 game with be displayed as $5 and cost that much. They can still sell prepaid cards without any change. Just instead of buying a 1600 point card, you'd go

It's even less than that. If they'd pulled support after the protests, that'd have been kinda ok, as it'd have shown they're at least somewhat listening to us. Instead, they've waited until the bill was pretty much killed and has no chance of even making it to vote where it can be bought back into law when people

Nah. After the massive gamer backlash would have been fine, as it'd have shown they were listening to us. But that's not the case. They've waited until the bill's basically dead to finally drop support. That's actually a slap in the face.

No. It's got nothing to do with the protests. If it had, why would they wait so long, when many were dropping their support during the protests? This is a response to the fact SOPA's been shelved and is effectively dead. Now that there's nothing to support, they're changing their stance and trying to act like it's

Exactly. If it was a response to the protests, they'd have done so within the last two days, like everyone else that backpedaled. This is solely because they bill is effectively dead. Screw the self-serving assholes at the ESA. They still deserve e3 to be boycotted.

Not really. At this point, it's not even a hollow gesture. It's nothing. The bill's effectively dead. It would be insane to not oppose it now. They needed to drop their support long ago. Hell, even if they'd have dropped support once the shitstorm started and it became clear the internet was fighting back and wouldn't

This is worthless. Dropping support after the bill is effectively dead? Fuck that. Fuck the ESA.

Replying to approve.

They're full of shit. "This wouldn't affect ___". Uh, yes, it fucking would. Lamar Smith especially is outright lying, as the language in SOPA (I haven't read up on the specific language regarding it in PIPA) would most certainly make it affect Wikipedia, as shown why in this pic. These politicians need to get their

Replying to approve / add: Yep. This is the senator that once wanted to give Hollywood the right to hack into and destroy the computers of pirates. If even he's backing off, it's huge.

To be fair, this is the first major thing for Totilo as editor of Kotaku. He may be wanting to move away from the "We're just bloggers" crutch and consider the side actual journalists.

Fake blackout? Are you an idiot? Wikipedia's "fake" blackout may very well be the single biggest raiser of awareness about SOPA / PIPA ever. ANY page you go to pops up the blackout message, scaring users and providing them information should they wish to learn more. That's precisely what the blackouts need to do.

Somebody also doesn't understand why everyone is against SOPA. He's completely missing the point that it's not piracy people hate SOPA over (even though it won't stop any piracy). If he didn't own half the media and have so much power, his insanity and ignorance over it would be hilarious.

One of the biggest anti-SOPA House members, Darrell Issa, is a republican. Both SOPA and PIPA have bipartisan support and opposition. This can't be blamed on one party, just on the congress members that've been bought off by old media.

Cheezburger Network will. Facebook and Twitter are probably both better left up (although with an obnoxious popup informing people about the dangers of SOPA) to encourage discussion about it. Google unfortunately isn't going dark, but they will at least be using the homepage to direct users to SOPA information.

Seriously. He's been so transparently bought and paid for in all of this it's sickening. If you or any friends or relatives are in his district and eligible to vote, do all you can to drive this idiot out in November. Please. For the love of god.

Replying to approve.