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Replying to promote.
Wikimedia joining the protests is actually what seems to have sparked this. Lamar Smith is fucking FURIOUS over them throwing their weight behind defeating SOPA, so it appears he's decided he's sticking in the fight and bringing it back to vote in February. This corrupt idiot just refuses to admit he's wrong. The…
This paints it as a "win" for us for delaying it. The reality is all the outrage, and added condemnation of SOPA / PIPA by the White House, had already delayed it. Now, on the heels of Wikimedia joining the protest blackouts, Lamar Smith raged against them and is making sure to do all he can to bring this pile of…
That's because it is. SOPA won't stop any piracy, as I've replied pointing out to mny of your posts already. It's called being dishonest. You name something the Stop Online Piracy Act rather than the We Control The Internet Act and people are far more likely to agree with it. A rational person is going to hear "Stop…
Hahaha. Wow, you actually think it'd be smart if those sites acted in a way that assumed they will be fine? No, that would be retarded, as all it takes is one pissed corporation to then go after them. This results in a need to manually approve and police EVERYTHING. There's no "being more careful". ANY infringement,…
Um, no. There's a piece of legislation proposed right now, by some of the biggest SOPA / PIPA opponents in Congress, that actually would address almost all of the flaws in SOPA. The OPEN Act would turn enforcement over to the International Trade Commission and use economic sanctions to stop the "rogue foreign sites"…
Even that is bad. The "idea" of SOPA is HORRIBLE. Because it's not about anti-piracy. There's a great anti-piracy bill being proposed by Darrell Issa, one of the biggest SOPA / PIPA opponents in Congress, the OPEN Act. That one would put a dent in piracy. SOPA won't. However, OPEN doesn't trample on internet freedom,…
No, no. That's how it would be NOW, under the DMCA. If someone complained about that avatar being copyright infringing, Kotaku would remove the avatar or SallySalyu's account and be done with it.
I know you're not saying you support SOPA, but you do more or less say "I can see why they'd want it to stop all this piracy." And that's something that keeps getting said a LOT about SOPA. The problem is, and this is one of the biggest problems with the bill in my opinion (and before I do that, I'm going to be honest…
To everyone thinking that opposition to SOPA means the person supports piracy, or even to people supporting SOPA because they're against piracy or "it won't do all the harm that THE PEOPLE THAT INVENTED THE INTERNET SWEAR IT WOULD", you're wrong. SOPA has nothing to do with piracy. It's about the media industries and…
And you're wrong. On many counts.
Not at all. On the LOBBYIST (not representative) himself. As in the person that goes and tries to talk the government into supporting his client's position. It's paying an employee to go try and sway the representative to vote how you would like, not wholly unlike a private citizen can speak to a rep and discuss…
No, no, no, no, no. Shut up or inform yourself. SOPA and PIPA have NOTHING to do with piracy. They're only being pushed because the media industries and government want to be able to censor the internet.
Not if it was clear that not only were they not going to keep it in your pocket, but that they also then wouldn't let people do things that don't even involve your money. Seriously, SOPA and PIPA will do NOTHING to piracy. Not only are the effortlessly bypassable with simple browser extensions or just knowing the IP…
And it's so stupidly and poorly written that would, honest to god, be immune to it. If that's not proof it's a terribly-written, poorly thought out, rushed pile of crap, I don't know what is.
Theft or not (which it's NOT. It's copyright infringement. They are two different things, contrary to what the media industries would like you to believe), it's still true. Theft or not, most piracy is from people who would not have bought said thing anyway, and thus it's NOT a lost sale. So when you're talking about…
No. SOPA has no potential. It's broken garbage that can't be fixed. For it to be fixed, it would have to be rewritten from scratch as a 100% completely different bill, at which point it's not SOPA, just an alternative anti-piracy bill. There IS an alternative out there that actually could put a dent in piracy, but the…
When the media industries are the biggest financers of the person pushing the bill (It's true. Google around a bit and you'll find articles detailing RIAA and MPAA contributions to Lamar Smith over the last decade) and presumably other backers of it, it tends to take a lot to get them to finally realize they're…
No. It couldn't. A: It's not gonna be effective in stopping piracy. At all. It's ALREADY BYPASSABLE, either by accessing sites via IP or just using browser extensions that'll do it for you.
This. Definitely. SOPA's largest proponent, California Rep. Darrell Issa, is a Republican. Yet he's been all over this thing and is probably a huge reason it's lost so much of its legs due to information getting out and public outrage being sparked.