
Yeah, but the problem is, if they included a provision that soldiers are allowed to shoot one innocent child in the face per month of duty, you don't pass it just because it's needed. You make those asswipe representatives take the horrible, insane provisions out before signing. Because although Obama's said his

Which sadly, is irrelevant. Frankly, if the internet hadn't blown this up so heavily to the point Congress reps are finally taking notice, it had a huge chance of passing. Lamar Smith has been trying to rush SOPA through since the beginning, with them calling it a "waste of time" to stop and discuss the ramifications

Nah. It's their goal. Monster Cable lists sites like ebay, Craigslist, & Costco as rogue sites, and GroupM / Universal Music Group include sites such as Vimeo, Soundcloud, ton of hip-hop blogs (Which the artists themselves use to get exposure, NOT copyright infringers), every single file sharer like

That's about PIPA, not SOPA. The DNS blocking has actually been tabled from SOPA. The rest of it still sucks, but the reporting is accurate. Please stop making bad comments.

BAD attitude to have. For one, even if the site's foreign, if it has a large US userbase, SOPA actions against it could be a death sentence for the site. Two, and most unnerving is that this sets a precedence. Currently, if a country wants to censor the internet, they have to cite China, Iran, or other such insane,

Plus it's easily bypassable for actual pirates. There are already browser extensions that will automatically use alternate, foreign DNS listings and bypass it for the user without any needed inconvenience. This is on top of the fact that sites can still be accessed with the IP anyway, so determined pirates would see

To everyone yelling about how retarded it is that they're apparently saying they're against SOPA because you should be free to be able to pirate if you want, I'm pretty sure you're not interpretting it at all correctly.

Replying to approve.

And I assume their "thumbs up" to piracy, as you put it, is more along the lines of "The Internet shouldn't be censored just because you can do illegal things on it".

That's not what they're saying. Granted, they don't get their point across perfectly clear (They're videogame devs, not speech writers), what they seem to mean is that SOPA, censoring the internet over piracy concerns, is not the answer. They would rather support internet freedom, relying on you choosing whether to

Yeah, and that's the biggest problem. The bill WOULDN'T stop pirates, but would otherwise wreak havoc on the law-abiding internet and thousands of sites that are used for legitimate purposes.

That's not really at all what they're saying or what the video is about. It's not "Eh, you can choose to steal it or buy it. Whatever." It's "We support your right to choose if it means not censoring the internet and turning into a police state just to stop theoretical profit loss." It's saying that SOPA, censorship

NOTHING is ever going to *STOP* piracy. It's always existed and always will, no matter how niche it becomes. There always will be people choosing to get things for nothing no matter what. However, Steam converts many pirates into legit users. This is the best case scenario. Steam itself is DRM in the form of service.

Yeah. Genkibowl VII comes out this week but is mostly just a new batch of a bunch of Genki-themed activities (which should be awesome, but still). And the one that really should be good in terms of story, The Trouble With Clones, doesn't even come out until Spring.

That's exactly what they mean by blackout. The site will be unusable for its normal purpose, replaced by information regarding SOPA and what people can do to help stop it. I mean, sure. There might be some misguided people out there that'll take down their whole site for the day for this, not really understanding the

I've also been whoring out my Twitter and Facebook feeds for about a month now with important anti-SOPA links and info. Only about 400 people combined, but that's 400 more informed people than otherwise. Most often, the response I get at first is "Why? So you can be able to pirate?" due to them being just as

Yeah, I'm not faulting you or anything, just expanding that it's likely not just gonna outright be taking them all down, but also providing much needed info. Hell, didn't even do a blackout when the original SOPA markup happened in December, but they still ran a popup that was (intentionally,

Yes, actually. And promptly received a form letter telling me what PIPA "aims" to do -_-

Which is why when blacking out for this kind of thing, most sites show information of what the bill is, what it will do, why it's bad, AND include convenient ways to contact your representatives. The one used by many sites (most notably for me since I personally saw it being for the SOPA

Ask Steam / Valve that question.