
"The part that really bothers me is that these characters aren't just White... Theyr'e US! They say the same things about racial purity and the same message about foreigners. The theme of the city itself is something anyone on the board would dream up as a perfect future White settlement. Shooting those people is like

"A man chooses. A slave obeys" Now what does that say about them...

Emily? Someone's been playing Dishonored...

My eyes feel soooooooo much better now! Thanks!

I dont think they're pointy enough or impractical enough for them to take interest.

This is more like putting up Friday for Black heritage.

Having lived the past 5 years as a desktop replacement user, I've got to say its served me pretty well since then. Even on my practically ancient hardware I'm still able to play games that came out within the last year. I've also been able to do all my digital homework with little to no problems. Plus having the

Angry Apple nerd is angry.

I gotta say though, Id much rather watch this than sit through 10 minutes of Animal Practice.

I wish I had the spare parts to make something like this.

Rasczak's Roughnecks (Starship Troopers) would like to have a word with you...

But Bond is an international superspy. Exotic locales are his specialty.

Or a future Catwoman

My only gripe about GFWL was that back when I had Vista, an update error in the OS wouldnt let me get the latest version of all sorts of files. I was ultimately forced to start a fresh hard drive in order to play anything on GFWL. Other than that I never really had any problems.

Midtown Madness 3 let you hoon around Paris.