
Facebook didn’t spend exorbitant amounts of money because they thought the rift would sell well. They believe that VR is an emerging platform and wanted a firm foothold in the market. How many headsets they’re selling isn’t as critical as whether or not the switch ends up selling well.

Absolutely! He should maybe set up a private email server, too!

It’s precisely what they don’t want. They want the symbol to be associated with emergencies, not everyday medical connotations. It also pertains to their work (they’re literally called the Red Cross), and having anyone use it could be harmful.

She’s a squid girl and squids are items in Mario Kart

They’re both squids

If Republicans were smart—if they were a rational political party able to act in their own best interests—they’d impeach Trump as soon as possible.

Ariana is HUGE in Japan. I don’t know if it’s the way she sings, or that she looks so much like an anime character brought to life, but during my last trip to Tokyo, the HMV was blasting a commercial for her album NON-STOP. Her face was plastered all over Shibuya (near the 109 building) and people looked like tehy

I wish getting money in this game wasn’t so tedious, because it’s ridiculously fun.

If I’m correct, you admit to reading only three paragraphs of this and then, in response, write two. I will never understand

Or Yajirobe

what about the fans who are inspired by buu

Clarifying that I unknowingly purchased a system that was bricked, returned to the store, put back on the shelf which I was able to rectify.

Some players are suggesting, for example, to acquire a legit 3DS by purchasing one, extracting its information and injecting it into the banned 3DS, and then returning the new 3DS to retailers—potentially fucking over whoever goes on to buy that system in the future.

No shit. Incredibly annoying guy.
*deliberately sets up a stunt, knowing exactly what will happen*

No, most of them are traced and some parts aren’t even redrawn, they just use filters on the photo to reuse parts of it.

I have mixed feelings about this.

Even if it was explicitly based on her and used her real name it would still be fine. The Supreme Court ruled unaninously in Hustler v. Fallwell that celebrity parodies are legally considered protected speech under the first amendment and exempt from libel or defamation claims, provided that the parody is obvious

Did the game developers say it was based on her? On what basis is the statement “was based on her” true? Is there something unique in the game that was exclusive to this character and Lindsay Lohan? I haven’t played the game, but reading the Wiki, I don’t see much resemblance besides they are both stars that deal with

It’s not Upton. Here is the story.