
Unfortunately, this is another victim of Unreal shader compilation stutter. What this means practically, is that no matter your hardware specs, no matter the game settings, it’s going to be a stuttery mess your first time through. Playing through an area a second time, when all the shaders have already been compiled

A lot of people are convinced they just ran a smoothing filter over the sprites, but that clearly isn’t the case as there’s a ton of added detail. I’m pretty sure they actually remade every single one in a higher definition

I booted it up briefly to see, and performance mode seems to have gotten a massive boost in quality. I had to play at resolution mode at launch because I couldn’t deal with horrendous aliasing and artifacting, but now the image is near perfect. Definitely the better way to play the game now

Bio 1 and 2 are the Remastered versions. Are they still notoriously crashy or has that been fixed?

I just discovered that there’s a really good CRT shader for ReShade (crt-royale), so that’s probably gonna be how I enjoy this. Next best thing to actually owning a CRT TV

Apropos of nothing, jailbreaking a 3DS has become really easy and requires minimal investment

I feel like every person who complained about this controller never figured out that you’re just supposed to hold the middle prong like a handle

This headline is really awful. If it’s an issue with the hardware and the game isn’t actually what’s responsible, probably don’t lead with a direct statement that the game is responsible

HDMI Link was actually there from the beginning, they just gave it a some options to mess with. I know this because it was incredibly annoying. I’d turn on my TV and it would immediately switch to my PS5, so I had to turn off my PS5 because I actually wanted to just... watch TV

I only used the share button once, because I thought I was pressing select

I almost did that. The problem is, in the beginning of the game, they teach you to vault by moving forward and pressing circle. So when you get here, you do the same thing, because that’s what you were taught and... yeah. Doesn’t help that the trigger to make you climb up a ledge is a little finicky, so you

I recently fired up GoW and was pleasantly surprised to see that it was patched for PS5. The high framerate mode still says it runs at 1080p, but playing it, it’s obvious it runs at a much higher resolution

I recently fired up GoW and was pleasantly surprised to see that it was patched for PS5. The high framerate mode

Okay not interested in one-shotting bosses, but I spent like, an hour last night farming bladestone chunks and still need five more so definitely gonna exploit this before it gets patched

These used to be the default endings during early access, since they could never show what happened after you beat Hades. Nice to see they had a way to keep them in the final game.

So you’re saying I can get rid of my PS4 and still keep my download of P.T?

I’d settle for a sort button. I’ve got random headbands all over my inventory and I don’t want to wear any of them

Hm. I only really started having fun with the stealth when I turned the enemy perception down a little. At moderate, it was way too obvious that they weren’t following any logical rules. A 240 degree cone of vision and the ability to zero in on you from 200 yards away in the tall grass is kinda bullshit if you ask me.

I’m surprised the save system is still annoying. I replayed the first to refresh myself and the whole time I was fighting with the checkpoints. Having more than one autosave slot seems like it would be such an easy fix.

VR is just too much of a financial investment for one good game and a handful of novelties. My heart kind of broke when this was announced, because I knew for a fact that I would never ever get to play it.