
I just put it all in my house’s storage...?

I was too convinced she was Tahani’s sister from the Good Place for that to occur to me

It’s only now, more than 20 years later, that I realize how weird it is that Aerith sees a cracked industrial pipe and decides to shove her entire face into it

Oof, that mocapped animation does not work with that art style

I’m interested, but that’s a lot of money to take a chance on. If only Deemo had a demo....

Wooooow look at all these games I actually own but have never played

Ugh, I hope Sony didn’t buy this as a timed exclusive. RE2 was beautiful on my PC, I don’t want to wait forever for my preferred platform

No, absolutely not. If Sony or the firm managing them did not give the animation team reasonable time and resources, it is far far FAAAAR better for them to turn in absolute garbage than to STEAL the work of other creators. No one in a creative industry who is actually worth a damn would ever do that their own people,

I lucked out super early by building a road that tons of people liked, rocketing me to level 150-something in the early game. Since then I’ve been able to give lonely signs and structures something in the neighborhood of 600 likes in one go. I’m like some kind of self-worth boosting superhero

I giggle like an idiot every time they say Homo Demens. It’s very literally one of my favorite parts of the game

So how much are you missing out on if you’re not connected to other players? Would the game be significantly harder or more tedious? I want to play but PS+ has never been worth the investment for me

I never finished reading the original, and I can’t remember anything that happened, so I guess I’ll have to read the whole thing all over again before starting the sequel. See everyone in 5 years, I guess

This mentality is why I haven’t finished a game since 2012

This would be a lot more convincing if he didn’t have an iron fucking cross on his collar come on man

I’ve been getting half-way through Persona 4 for yeeeaars. I’ll start it up, get the bad ending, decide I’ll take the new game+ to max out my social links, then just stop playing for some reason. I’ve done this at least 4 times. Then I did it with Persona 5 when it first came out and haven’t touched it since.

I booted up Rebel Galaxy Outlaw and all I did was play the pool minigame they offer you in the first 5 minutes

I find that the most fun instances are the ones where half the people are first timers and the other half haven’t done this particular one in months. There’s just something really fun and heartwarming about everyone figuring things out, sharing information and working together

I was lucky enough to get a Road to 70 bonus so it’s been super easy for me to try out whatever classes I want. I brought ninja, dark knight, samurai, gunbreaker and red mage up to 70, and for the most part none of them felt better or worse than the other. I just learned my job and did it. Just a few days ago though,

I just started playing a week ago and I’m terrified of being anything other than DPS. This is my first MMORPG and the responsibility of tanking and the awareness and quick thinking you need as a healer is just too much for my poor anxious heart. I might dip my toes into the Dark Knight class once I have it unlocked,