
Holy shit scariest sentence in the Western world right now: "HEY I'M GEORGE ZIMMERMAN AND I'M HERE TO HELP!"

He's the racist vigilante Sanford deserves, but not the one it needs?

The last line of this article literally made me LOL and say "oh shit!" Out loud. To myself.

You probably shouldn't shoot people while on neighborhood watch, either, but G.Z. is a maverick so rules don't apply.

some conservo comments on other sites, in the midst of all the backslapping "see we told you he was a hero!" masturbatory contafibulations, are claiming the family in the car was black and even that they had a pro Trayvon sticker on their car.

Oh, good. Fox and Friends needed something to masturbate over this week.

I'm visualizing him setting up something like this:

I just assumed by "saving" the man he meant he shot the nearest black teen.

That's what we're here for!

this was awesomelly wasted time.

I might be the only person in the world besides yourself who has actually listened to the Prince Batman soundtrack enough to completely follow this entire post. It's like someone else in the universe finally understands me.

Honestly I was surprised by Continuum. The pilot didn't blow me away but the show has been great. I did not expect to be so pleased :)

Hands down.


This show had no right to be as engaging as it actually was (might still be, a little behind). The premise has been done to death, and the characters seemed utterly unlikable, but it turned out to be much deeper than I could have ever hoped for.

I forgot about Teen Wolf. I've become a major fan over the last two months after catching up on netflix. Surprisingly good. Though this may count as a guilty pleasure.

Best. Article. Ever.

He's not saying having black characters makes it not racist. He's responding to a particular charge of racism, namely that the diversity in the books is being whitewashed. His response is that some black characters were removed, but others were added, and this particular actor is actually what the book versions were

That was hard to watch and listen to, but I kept watching because I believe we have to bear witness to things like this, as a collective. But shit, when Bette broke down towards the end of the song and had trouble finishing it..I lost it.

In my alternate reality, Bette sang this woman into remission. (my alternate reality is a much nicer place)

Abort, abort, abort!