
I spent way too much time trying to get through to her and her final tweet about 90% of racism coming from Black folks made me feel like I wasted every second of my time. Sad.

I found your input interesting, Dorothy. Some of the info in the post wasn’t that “fascinating.”

I don’t think anything listed suggests racism against other minorities doesn’t exist. Where are you getting that? Also, at the very beginning it says he started this to gauge racism costing a black candidate an election. So, why would he look up racism towards non-black minorities?

Her name is Ciara, not Clara.

I used to play DOA Extreme Beach Volleyball like it was my damn job.

"That's my raptor wranglers; always looking for new and interesting ways to get killed."

Someone needs to bust their ass at Comcast to provide better customer service.

I still don't get seeders. :-/

I haven't read other responses yet.

With his fine ass.

I am so jealous. There has to be something like this in Portland, OR., right? I mean, it's Portland for fuck's sake!

So glad I left there. And the Atlanta suburbs.

This is my favorite headline in the history of forever.

I think they included it in season 2 because it is an important part of who Tyrion is, and played a part in his relationship with his dad. Just like they put in things like Cersei talking to Jaime about jumping off that cliff when they were kids in the first episode. I don't think it was ever intended to be a major

I think it was the right call. The show spent next to no time talking about Tysha and the majority of the audience wouldn't have cared. It would have been damaging a relationship viewers love for a character they probably forgot existed. The show has focused on the Tyrion/Shae relationship and that betrayal, I think,

Brian, agreed!

"Well, I was on my way to this gay, gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled, when I suddenly thought, "Gee, the Third Reich's a bit rubbish, I think I'll kill the fuhrer." Who's with me?"

Ah, good point.

Still reading, but wouldn't the truth field be necessary to make sure that when the person says the correct name, they are actually The Doctor? If, for some reason, someone else knew his name, they could trick The Time Lords by saying it. The truth field guarantees that they can't be tricked by someone else, not The

People actually ship Theon Greyjoy and Ramsay Snow. *gag* I'm not linking the DeviantArt pics because fuck that, that's why.