
How has someone with a working knowledge of the English language, an IQ over 100, and an acute distaste for cheesesteak, not walked into this town and declared themselves King yet? It’s a city comprised solely of chain-smoking, playdough humanoids who smoke Marlboro reds and pound Natty Ice.
Blows my fucking mind.

They did this in Chicago in a number of places. Bicyclists still weave through automotive traffic.

Did you see the great uses for a tennis ball soaked in gasoline article last week?Totally me at 15.

We survive as a species for the same reason wildebeast do. If we were an apex predator instead of a smart monkey we’d have amounted to nothing.

Tangental question: Has anyone ever been a Nieslsen “user”? They came by my place a few months ago with a big giant gift basket trying to get our house to sign up. Just wondering what the experience might be like.

That comment is ridiculous. You’re flying the most advanced, lethal aircraft in the factors of 10. If you were a human being you’d have the hands of muhammad ali, the speed of usain bolt, the agility and stealth of a feudal Japanese ninjutsu grandmaster, the protection of a knight before xbows and

I figure it’s just giving the plane a little more altitude that it can trade for airspeed before it hits the water.

Changes the momentum from level to going up, so it doesn’t actually have to be going fast enough to sustain flight by the end of the roll. The ramp can basically launch it a hundred feet into the air on momentum alone, by the time it gets back down to flight deck level it will have accelerated enough to continue

Win10 already makes Win7 unappealing, and it hasn’t even released yet.

The quadcopters I have require considerable practice and skill. They don’t hold themselves stationary at all, just sort-of-level-ish.

Point is: the rampant misuse of the word “Drone” is disgusting. This is not a drone. Writers have a responsibility to accurately communicate clearly and precisely with good clean vocabulary; and not pollute the english language with grammatical diarrhea.

6 afterburners going. Fuel flow is now measure in tons/min instead of pounds per hour.

I think that's a joke.

Those are just average Romanian girls, it’s the only good thing we have in this country :)

I clicked play to see a better view of the starter...not disappointed. A bit wut? 0.o Oh look, a cutie!

Now playing

If you prefer your absurd street racing short films to go in a straight line with an easter European accent I recommend this gem.