
In our area during the rush we now have 1/4 mile backups on main roads and 1/8mi backups on cross streets because the main road backs right over the X-street intersection. And they haven't changed the light timings at all to compensate.

They’re calling it ‘rightsizing’ where I live and goddamn it's a pain in the ass. There's a REASON these roads were 4-lanes in the first place. And guess what? There's more traffic now. Yay! I'm all for greener modes of transport but I don't think this accelerates that technology, it prolongs it. People who bike will

Scaleable architecture.

Really? Source? I'm a hypochondriac who if this is true may already be dead.

I’m leery of this report. (Not saying it’s not true, but...) This information would seem to me to be pretty damn secret. And the test pilot corps flying these things can’t be exactly large. If this info didn’t come from Snowden, do you trust the source?

Overheard (in my head): “In Russia, stealth much cheaper.” “In Russia, we have after-after burner.” “They’ll think we’re already on fire and stop shooting!” “Americans think we’re B-52’s!” “In US you roll coal on Prius. We roll Prius!”

Was watching with the family. The explosion reminded me of the 80’s (I grew up there). Saw lots of this then. Still eerie. But not as eerie from Colorado where I am now. Back then if it blew up near the pad they’d have stay inside orders, and you’d hear military aircraft flying over.

Define informative. Technically detailed and objective? No. I find their no-holds offensive biased rhetoric to be quite refreshing. If I could BUY a damn Ferrari then I’ll read the specs and look elsewhere. But TG ‘reviews’ are why you read Gawker over the Times, and Jalopnik over C&D. You saps are quite judgemental.

I didn't anybody would be that bad at grammar,

I remember that press releases. That was the CEO at the time. Don't remember who.

Yeah, they seem like one of those entities that’s ‘everywhere, yet nowhere’. I've known friends of friends who claimed they did it. But no actual proof.

Not true. If you want an informative review on cars you either can’t obtain, or wouldn't, they’re great!

Uber: Disrupted, bitches.

We’re a lot smaller but looking into that as well. Good to hear that worked for you.

Maybe it wasn’t their fault but it was a rookie mistake not checking out name conflicts first. And the confusion between personal/business is when you have small business customers who want a group license for OneDrive without Sharepoint. No one likes Sharepoint. Confusion.

Skydrive/Onedrive name and features, personal vs. business (one is great, the other is sharepoint), Office365: cloud/local (feature disparity)/wtf, the aforementioned Windows mobile that may or may not exist in a year...

You didn’t get my question? Ok: Brand confusion. MS may have legitimate reasons, it’s still happening. Do you try think that's not the case at all?

Yep it’s true. We’ve seen that. Of course we’re also struggling with how much to divest infrastructure and go cloud but I’m still beating the ownership drum.