Ok, I love the name Non-Fiction for a silly or nostalgiac car. Otherwise it's too defensive. Here it works. The car? Meh.
It would be pretty cool if one day a bunch of good, experienced, drivers took cars that you could buy, mostly unmodified, and regularly raced them on a track. A competitive mass-produced race league. Mass-cars? Masscar? Nah. Sounds like Massachusetts.
Let me re-arrange a few words here...
It totally landed. Just like the last Concorde flight totally took off.
I dunno what's worse honestly... A prosperous Russia or a desperate Russia. I think the answer is it doesn't matter if it's Putins Russia.
I dunno about the carrier amature drone fly-by one. If that got out of control the only one lucky to live through it would be the drone guy. His wife would kill him for splashing $500.
Wow incredible link. I did not know. I hope people negotiating do.
(all F-35 variants are handicapped by the inclusion of STOVL in the JSF design) that the F-35B represents...
Yeah. He was obviously not risking his drone at all. I was really wishing this had been someone with a better rig and bigger balls. His distance hardly gave a feel for scale. The bridge looked tiny. I'd have loved a few window close ups. Or better.. found an opening below the deck and flew the hangar.
How does every one of their conversations about what he’s done that day not end with her saying ‘aww that’s *great* honey!’
I have no doubt that a self-driving car with a reproducible drive path, which an insurance company will cover, will follow all speed limits to the 10th decimal point. No matter how many pissed off people accumulate behind you. Cussing.
I must be getting old. And nostalgic. Here's another 'X' program that focuses on cost. It read a bit like the JSF/X-35 to me: Emphasis on shared parts, manufacturing techniques, etc. performance as a by-product. It's all important sure. But to me X means revolutionary. Thus is the new reality.
I presume that was intentional? If not this comment should be merged with the frustrated plastic model discussion above. Caption ideas:
So I know it slows down the a10 when it fires. How far back would it throw a heli? Or worse if it was offset to one side? - you'd need to be pretty ready for that torque. Eng. to pilot: "So we mounted the damn thing but we put the trigger on the side here: the one labelled 'Brake'.
Pretty much everything about that vid works for them. (Although for civilians like me I need an acronym dictionary.) I love the cell phone vid quality of it and the production. I truly got the feeling they felt compelled to make the vid rather than just being jokers. Of course my next thought was once this gets out…
Thanks. Sadly no. :-)
Swinging and with sources. I like your style.
Hertz + Volt = current; GM solution.
We would do that and my son would think its hallarious. This kid had more of a ‘Hey which one if us is the veep here?’ look.