
As vulgar as they may be, it doesn’t matter that much, but you have to find some sort of orientation

I don’t know! I felt kind of guilty after I posted it like I was shaming him for having bad dirty talk. I didn’t intend it that way. And this is totally anonymous anyway!

I remember being very proud that I was dating someone older until a family friend (an ex-punk legend who doesn’t mince words) literally yelled at me “RUN AND RUN FAST. Men like that will suck all the youth from you; that’s their secret to staying young.”

She was/is right.

I have dated men who are shorter than me, men who are balding, men with small nail beds (lol @attica) and many more with these types of deal breakers. None of that bothered me. But when a dude says he’s a DJ, I nope the FUCK out of there. 

I stopped dating a guy because he spelled sexy... SEXCI. Spelling and grammar is important and every time I got a text from him telling me how sexci I am I wanted to vomit

You should have retorted ‘I’m unpleasantly surprised by your dick.’ Which reminds me of another guy I broke up with. Our second weekend dating, we met his annoying, immature best friend for skiing. We had some food first, in the lodge, and they started talking about dick size. It was extremely awkward because this guy

Film snobs. I work in VFX and having a guy berate my life’s work (“yeah motherfucker, I know these are cheesy movies, but fucking relax...”) was way too insufferable. He was a film student (rolls eyes)

That’s a nope for me.

I broke up with a woman who invited me over for dinner, made me a lovely meal, then ordered me into the kitchen to do the dishes. Not like “hey can you help with the dishes” (which I’d have been more than happy to do) but “go wash dishes, I am going to watch tv while you do it”. It was the first (and only) time I’d be

Jezebel is like a murder jeep stacked with four people who have been approaching the same prey at 45 mph for three years, hitting liberally with spiked basbeall bats labeled, “white feminism” and “privilege???” At first their victim was Hillary Clinton, and god bless Anna Merlan for writing that great, totally impenetr

Dumped a guy over his heavy Boston accent. I just couldn’t handle the way he would talk during sex, saying “Oh my gawd, ya tits are ahwsome!”. It was like banging Ted.

“and enough room for you to have some buffer space between you and your born-out-of-wedlock children.”

For me, it’s not a car, it’s a bike brand.. Harley Davidsons

I believe that film is currently in production, Liam Neeson stars. 

Ahhh, the Altima. Low credit? No credit? Ex took the couch with your leftover change? No problem, Nissan has a car for you. It comes complete with a gutless engine, soul sucking CVT, and enough room for you to have some buffer space between you and your born-out-of-wedlock children. Don’t worry, I’m sure you can

Sister car to the Pontiac Aztek.

The only right answer. I don’t know whats worse, the car or the fan base.


“it stirs volatile hatred in my soul”