
I have that voice, plus one telling me it’s an unmitigated disaster and everything I create is hot wet garbage.

Hmm, nothing I'm working on falls into those categories. Huzzah! Now I just need to actually finish something.

What if we've completely misunderstood our place in the universe?

Mountain Druid

Yes! See that's what I'm always trying to explain to people. It's like, compare the OT God to gods of the contemporaneous Assyrian religion. All those Bronze Age cultures had gods that were insanely badass and seriously bloodthirsty. Basically, those were tough times.

Bookmarking this for later.

And this is why we use reference when creating art. Even the masters used models and life drawings. Anyone who says, "Oh but you just copied that and you didn't draw it from your imagination!" has no clue. None.

It's the only thing separating man from beast.

My panties just hit the floor.


Cultured meat grown in labs sounds better doesn't it?

If Alan Tudyk was my brother, my life would be a Greek tragedy.

I get that he is eccentric, but seriously, he's always struck me as two sandwiches shy of a picnic.

Can't commit to a full time position, but hey, I can post cat .gifs in the comment section for you guys all day long, for free!

Did it!! =]

Just finished the kindle version which I bought at Amazon (hey, an index/table of contents for the e-readers would be a welcome addition!).

I have to say that during this process, EdificeComplex was amazing. He did two concept covers, and the eye was chosen, but everyone looooooved the rocket from the other cover. (We loved it so much it's the company logo now) and he tweaked it and responded to all our questions and requests. He is awesome and we

No problem here, lol. It was a disaster the moment I told Adobe to export to .doc. I was frantically cleaning things up, trying to fix wacky kerning, crazy paragraph alignment, things I could not figure out why they were happening. The important part is it's here, and readable, and thank you so much for sharing our

Big pat on the back, guys. We should feel proud.