
Whenever I read my own work I try to stay mindful of the used car salesman in my head telling me it’s a hot ride at a great price.

This almost seems like an extension of: “If you have writer’s block, throw your main character into a sudden conflict whether it fits into the story or not.”

I worked for Nintendo in Customer Service for just under a year. Even in that little peon position I had to sign an NDA that said something to the effect of “I will not say anything except Nintendo approved things to the public including friends and family and this will last for two years past when I stop working for

True, but if you can fail at one thing (or five), it makes it way easier to handle failing at another.

This is fantastic. I think it’s very telling that most famous authors didn’t get there until their 30s-40s at the minimum—the age range where you start being able to take a few hits.

I bet the wild dogs had been complaining about not getting toys in their cereal boxes, too.

Seattle, Washington, USA.

I have the same questions as you and would love it if someone could answer them. lol

It doesn't make it traumatizing to people like you. It does make it traumatizing to people like me. As we don't have anything that states which of the kids were in your camp and which of the kids were in my camp, we can't unequivocally say it was or wasn't traumatizing for any of the kids. In other words, I can't

Is there an epidemic of giraffes dying after a proper surgical neutering? Obviously, pruning shears is a dumb idea. I meant it half-heartedly. And if it did kill him then they still get the result they wanted while trying to appease the people who are getting on them for treating a prey animal like a prey animal.

I'm kind of like...OK...if they just don't want him to breed, then wander underneath him with some pruning sheers and take a couple snips. Then hand him over to a refuge or a zoo that would love to have him. It's almost like they're trying to imply the giraffe had some sort of value to appease people even though

Not sure how true it is as I don't really hang out with drug users, but there's the whole men can and will shoot up through the testicles. Add that with sharing needles and I think you've got a start.

Why do pets gotta be so difficult like that? It's like they have no whimsy.

We have two black Persians and one orange and have never thought to do that with them. Now it must happen.

The puppets are the masters now.

And this is why our TV is stud mounted on the wall behind a baby fence that also keeps our toddler away from our electronics. Took maybe an hour to do it and cost about $100 total for mount + fence. Seems a decent price to pay to ensure a small human who has no concept of consequences will grow into a larger human


Another great way to help out these authors and the stories you loved would be to post this review to Amazon. As awesome as io9 is, it's the reviews on Amazon that make the most difference. :o) Thank you so much for your support!

I really want this idea to have actual feet and I adore it conceptually, but I'm too grounded. All the references and connections are more likely purely for marketing to get people to buy more more MOAR Pixar paraphernalia. Seeing the pizza truck just reminds people of all the connections they have with Pixar and

Oh. That one. That's the one that I frankenpictured up for my email. lol It needs to be prettier! But, OK.