+1 for the runs
+1 for the runs
+1 Turkey Leg
Still not as weird as the sign in the Penn State showers that says "Don't worry about it. That's just the sound of the dirt you're washing off gently weeping."
Jason Bay quit the Canadian team because he found out they actually expected him to play.
Sounds a lot like Tyreke's career.
I feel like this whole story is a missed layup.
Did they look in Jason Whitlock's mouth?
What's confusing?
Well good. Now they've heard of Jesus AND seen the Holy Ghost.
You're welcome!
"Why it's former journeyman quarterback Jim Miller! Everyone, you remember Jim, right?"
You know what they say, third times a...well...uhhh....YOU know what they say!
I haven't seen two crossovers like that since Tracy McGrady's eyes.
Son of a bitch, I just made basically this same joke. +1
[RMJ=H beat me to it]
There have been like 60 NBA players who played on the globetrotters.
The first rule of Dunk Club is: You do not talk about Dunk Club.
He was probably worried about having food in his hand when he was that close to Andy Reid.
This is such a better idea than Bumper Planes.