

You have a choice with Flickr. 'Creative Commons', where you basically give anyone permission to do as they wish with your images, or standard copyright protection.

Unless YOU took the 'pix', I am afraid that's no real evidence.....

Something like that. I am pretty sure it involves a Gallic Shrug at some point anyway...

I just read that article...jeez.


I use AdBlockPlus also and haven't seen any ads on Giz at all....

I like them. Quite Turner-esque...

You're welcome :)

Thanks for the DJ Hero appreciation.

I go for the hard G.

@Sockatume: That's what I have read also. So I concur....

It looks a little like a shop interior to me.

@The Squid: ..or that are on display to any passing thief...

@MistahFixit: That has to be the most impractical device ever invented...

I have been meaning to do one of these challenges for ages..I think I may just get around to it this time. I like some good bokeh.

I think he should use his afore mentioned finger dexterity and make himself a papier mache girlfriend instead.

@Squid_Tamer: I have an OS app called Iris on my 4 that does layers and such. A little slow, but quite versatile. Not that that helps you at all in your search for an Android app..

@SicMX: I have camera+, which seems to be almost identical...pretty good though, both of them...