
Aside from stamping ? You want a use for a stamp, aside from stamping ?

Have a look on his website. The ones that are created from the overspill from filling the bubbles look a lot nicer IMO.

Why not send Wacom an email and ask them what software it's bundled with ?

I am guessing they'll keep that tech for their high end / most expensive models for the time being, at least.

I think I'll get one of those built when that money comes rolling in from working on the internet. I read somewhere that you can make $1234 an hour...can't recall where I read it though. If anyone can remember, drop me a line....

Maybe you should email Canon and tell them ? You obviously know far more about it than they do.

My facebook profile pic is a drawing of me that I did ( same as my avatar here ). Hopefully that disqualifies me from anyone doing this to mine.

No, it doesn't. If you could even bother to READ the headline, it says that it LETS you pick your nose, not HELPS.

I agree. But it would have been a lot more difficult to get just the outlines, with everything moving all the time, and being 3D and all. I was expecting the dots to have been a texture on the 3d models, so that when they were connected they had a more realistic form to them ( as in, like a real dot-to-dot ). That's

Why is it that hard to understand ? Of course it isn't her property, it belongs to the firm that runs the tagging system. Regardless of how much she has to wear it.

How would an eink key stand up to being bashed constantly by my boney fingers ? Is it likely to get damaged and not display things properly like an old LCD display ?

Judging by the way you have written that, don't expect and invite from them any time soon....

Is that a series about how Glenn Miller may have died ?

Stick a Wacom digitiser in it and I'll get one over my iMac....

I didn't understand that either. And you'd need to be pretty heavy handed and clumsy to ruin a sensor when changing lenses.....

You missed a few more there....Capital N on the "no", missing full stop, capital I on "its", "It's" instead of "its". Full stop before "even", capital E on "even", "have" not "of" ( god, I hate it when people do that... )

No we don''s just something that happens when you pull a cracker. I need to consume a large amount of alcohol before one gets anywhere near my noggin...hence I usually end up wearing one....

As Jimmy Carr says, " Better to see a pregnant woman standing on a bus than a fat bird crying"

dude, I think adherence to punctuation is the least of his worries after reading that...............