
They did it for The Peripheral. I’m sure there’s other examples, too. They spend a lot of money on genre TV in general when you include fantasy (not just LOTR but Wheel of Time.) I think this particular IP is the problem. Going to be a hard mainstream sell once you actually get into all of the fascism, extremism, etc,

Tiamat’s Wrath was the best book don’t @ me

Stardew is more like 6+ IIRC. If you let the game run for a few minutes it adjusts the battery life estimate so that’s how you check. Stardew is also one where you can manually turn down the GPU by a lot. Been a few weeks since I played it but it’s a good example that shows you get a very wide range of battery life

By the time there’s a 2nd gen the software will be in a much better place, too. It’s not bad but still better for tinkerers more than anyone unless you’re fine with only playing stuff that works out of the box. The out of the box experience has continuously improved and will keep doing so (not counting setbacks like

The steam dock has a 90 degree cable itself. That’s the intended solution. JSAUX did the same thing with theirs before Valve’s came out. If you just want the adapters they’re incredibly cheap. I’m not sure what problem you’re having - the rest of us who haven’t bought a dock are using cheapo USB hubs from Amazon and

There’s a ton of controllers to use. There’s only one Steam Deck. Plus, docking still isn’t smooth as it could be, and the OS isn’t finalized enough for them to do a full release for you to install it on any PC (which is also where the controller would be a big benefit.) I think their priorities are correct.

I’ve had my deck for 6+ months now so well past my honeymoon period and can see its faults. I don’t see the battery as one of the faults if we’re comparing it to the Switch. Play a demanding game? That shit’s gonna die quickly. The same thing happens on the Switch. Play something less demanding? You get longer battery

Yes, I did those side quests, not sure why you think I didn’t. Most of them weren’t that great. I got bored of the traversal somewhere around 40 hours and played for around 60. Was fast traveling a lot at that point. The combat also didn’t have the variety needed for a game that like then again I can’t really think of

Naw Miles Morales was a better, more tightly put together game, the first one was too sprawling for its own good. Sadly, that’s true of basically every AAA open world game at this point.

I don’t think you understand what the word need means and how it was the crux of my reply. A benefit is not a need. I run 4 identical RAM modules with my Ryzen CPU. Don’t condescend to me and give information I already know unrelated to the discussion.

This is completely unrelated to my reply.

You absolutely don’t need them in pairs in 2022 but RAM is so cheap that you might as well do that for the dual channel benefits.

What they’re spoiling is not in The Last of Us.

Yeah it’s a bit weird. Games being more expensive would take away more of the risk (opening up opportunities for more unique games) but gamers are a very stubborn bunch so games are priced lower than inflation. Those who want to wait for cheaper prices can still do so.

If you had bothered to make it past the headline you’d see that’s more about the world/characters than it is about the gameplay. The gameplay sounds solid. They also don’t indicate that the non-gameplay elements are shit just a bit immature and a specific style of humor so not damning no matter how you take it.

Don’t notice any problems on an iPhone 13 or latest iPad Mini. Seems an odd thing to make a blanket recommendation for if there’s only issues for specific devices or specific environments. Some technical info about that so people can better make a decision themselves would be welcome.

Huh? The headline doesn’t spoil anything - it hints that inside the article there will be a spoiler. The photo is of the original pokemon. The evolution is not spoiled until you read the article and get to...the spoiler warning. Jesus, you people will complain about anything being spoiled these days like the new

PhysX for this game was rain or something? I don’t think I had all of those options on

I ran it at 1080p60 on a RX580. What’s your CPU? I do believe I had already upgraded to my 3700X at that point. Don’t forget the CPU when it comes to open world games.

Yes, that is better, words matter. Learn how to articulate your point more clearly next time. Your original phrasing does not indicate your own lack of interest in the titles. You could repeat the same thing but be interested in the titles, too, if you like a particular style of game for example that isn’t popular.