
That’s not what’s being discussed but I guess I can’t expect rationality from someone who sees someone giving a technical explanation for how someone can accomplish their goal and considers them a shill. This just further proves my point in the first paragraph. Tech literacy is becoming worse and worse. 

Didn’t Batman die in the last one

Bro just put the search in quotes. I feel like people have completely forgotten how to search for anything at this point and gotten too used to Google’s AI driven bullshit doing it for you (which we’re now seeing the backlash as their results have started sucking)

It’s just Ari that constantly does this negative framing. Also it’s “indie” - “indy” is a place.

I’m guessing you didn’t make it through the article? Crysis is a great example to use because so many people have played it and understand it. The article isn’t about Crysis, it’s using Crysis to show what the paddles can do, so you’re entirely focusing on the wrong thing here. I also have no idea why you’re bringing

Some do, yes, check the TV manufacturer’s website and/or RTings. What I did when researching TVs was make a spreadsheet of all of the relevant info as it was never in one single spot.

Gotta do what the overlords tell you. 

As someone who sells server hardware for a living I can tell you most people don’t care about minutiae like this and it’s certainly not worth typing up this many unconcise paragraphs. The only people that care are anal people trying to weasel their way out of paying for something. You’re making some big assumptions

You say faster than a SSD but it is a SSD. Remember that SATA and NVMe are the interfaces and not the type of storage. Also as a Steam Deck owner I absolutely don’t care if it’s 2x or 4x. It’s such an incredibly minor detail that calling it a bait and switch seems like a huge overreaction. This wasn’t a widely

This thing looks way easier to store in an entertainment center/credenza than the original model.

I run servers, totally aware that computers are for more than gaming, and this wall of text does absolutely nothing to support your dubious claim. What’s actually being affected? IOPS? CPU? RAM? How long does it have an affect? What is the practical result of that? If anything it sounds like you have a shitty HDD in

Resource hogs while... installing and updating? This is a thing you care about? You’re installing and updating while playing something? I can’t imagine this having any real life impact. Installing/updating are a very tiny part of the PC gaming experience. Just a really odd comment overall.

If you don’t like the interface just load stuff into Steam or GoG or Playnite. Personally I find Steam’s interface to be an absolute mess after all of these years which is at least partially the result of them just piling and piling on features but only occasionally stopping to refine things. For Epic the install is

This only applies if you’re playing PVP.

Seems an odd usage of tone deaf. Their convo can basically be summed up as “we don’t care about multiplayer so none of the microtransaction stuff got in our way.” They also said that if there was some endgame content where that did happen they’d just stop and not play the game forever. I thought it all sounded pretty

It was John, who’s generally a level-headed adult about things, and their point was that they could easily ignore them. They don’t play PVP and none of it bothered them. You’re having a completely different discussion here and clearly didn’t read their convo.

I’d say BDE and DTF (especially DTF) are millennial slang not gen z slang so at 41 I’d give her the benefit of the doubt

Well they’re not wrong. We’ll get to that after we’re done with the gay agenda 

train under someone more consequential”

It’s star wars, not exactly high brow media, just roll with it