
Not sure what industry you’re in but unfortunately these people are absolutely everywhere and it’s taken a very long time for people to get more people comfortable with talking about. A little bit of real world experience would go far in developing your sense of how minorities and women are really treated in the

Networking events are disgusting across every industry as far as I can tell. I can attest to that in my non-gaming and non-comic industry as well. There needs to be a cultural shift there but I fear any sort of changes will only happen industry by industry.

Why did you post this? What did you think it would add to the conversation? Yes, you can definitely make the same criticism of my comment, but I want to point out that if you’re not able to do anything than think about how something impacts you then you shouldn’t comment at all on an article about people doing very

“Why don’t they just make small apps?” Apple doesn’t develop 3rd party applications so app size is up to each individual developer. Apple is doing what they can do here.

He seems very touchy about crunch whenever it’s brought up.

What will happen to Mixer’s tech (which originated from Beam)? Showing up late in the game meant that Beam/Microsoft provided a faster and more robust platform and I have zero confidence that anything hosted by Facebook is going to provide the same.

Based on track record it won’t be as revolutionary as they claim, as claiming is what they do, but will probably be a fun and interesting experience regardless.

Found the one guy that liked and played Black.

On the other hand they don’t have to deal with people’s unrealistic expectations about games that are years off. 

Are we really going to complain about EA not releasing enough games? EA is a gargantuan operation with multiple studios but actually giving these studios time instead of going for yearly releases is a great thing. Imagine a Dragon Age without crunch.

I am not sure why people are so adamant about a remaster for a very recent series. Those games exist. They’re still good. Go play them.

Under very heavy embargo while also soliciting feedback from the journalists to improve the game and running analytics in the background while they play. I’m not sure how common this is in the QA world but this is the first I’ve heard of it. It’s marketing and QA in one without doing a public beta.

You’re trying to invalidate the reviewer’s impressions because they didn’t focus on the gameplay which I’m pointing out is the same sort of logic of the people who don’t think video games are meant to be anything other than games.

This takes almost 3 minutes longer.

This takes almost 3 minutes longer.

I find it alarming that you don’t consider what the entire theme and tone of the game is going to be like isn’t something you consider substantial. I’m guessing you’re not on the “games are art” side.

Revenge stories allow them to justify tried and trued game mechanics instead of thinking of something new.

This is why I come to Kotaku for an idea of what the experience is like and then read a more straightforward review for things like gameplay flow/details. You should not form your own impression on the basis of a single review and I’m specifically using the word “impression” and not “opinion” because reviews sure as

The Polygon review skews closer to this. Both sites don’t use review scores and for good reason. 

It’s in the title. This is west of the region where Horizon Zero Dawn takes place.

Would you play it if it wasn’t developed by From Software?