On the other hand you did pay $150 just for... Logitech’s drivers?
On the other hand you did pay $150 just for... Logitech’s drivers?
Hard to judge how common something like this is though. There are over 35 million Switch owners. A few of us complaining on the internet might be an extremely small portion of that.
This like saying all smartphones are the same. There’s only so much you can do with a monitor and controller built into a single piece of hardware. It’s not remotely insightful.
Shit, having dealt with that on the Switch, that’s a legitimate concern.
“Deals” are not MSRP. This has consistently been one of the worst takes on the internet dating back forever. Are people really this bad at noticing how pricing works? The Switch was at MSRP consistently for almost a year before we finally saw some deals and those were slow coming for a while, too. What makes you…
You don’t have to read it, just like you never had to with the manual, so why complain?
I might be in the minority here
40 seconds a race sounds pretty brutal. Anyone remember how long the Modnation Racers load times were? I’m fairly certain it was even worse than that so it could be worse. I remember the load times being so long my friends and I would play it before going out as we could pour and take shots between races no issue
If you’ve played every single generation and use terms like “poke-lifer” you are not a casual player. You are on the completionist side and even if you don’t think you are your wife certainly is. The Switch itself has a strong casual draw that will make people like you some small percentage of the whole. People own…
I agree on your choice about the spicy Beyond Meat sausage being the best but I’m not sure I agree on your comments about wheat gluten. That’s what the other two are and are meant to be - seitan with sausage-style flavorings that you didn’t have to make yourself. They’re not trying to be as meatlike as Beyond’s…
Given how casual the pokemon fanbase runs I doubt this is much of a concern for sales. Sure, there’s always completionists, but for a mainstream series like those they’ll be even more of a minority than usual. Plus, as we’ve seen time and time again people will complain endlessly online and still buy the game.
Depends on what vocal style you’re looking for. Certainly plenty of solid clean singers out there especially if you look on the prog side. I grew out of that in high school but it’s there.
They already replaced my beloved iTunes app with the loathsome Apple Music years ago, so what exactly is happening now?
I’m on the other side of the country and know what a fluffernutter is. It’s not as regional as you think as it’s head many years to spread.
We’ve seen quotes like this before in prior cases. They basically look up comments online and just find the people who are joking but present it seriously in court and/or find the actual very small number of people who aren’t joking.
Compared to modern metal bands Iron Maiden barely sounds metal at all. Y’all used to be into some really weak cheesy shit that wasn’t heavy at all but no worries I understand the genre had to start somewhere.
People are dumb. They’ll ignore the warnings and hit their limits. There’s nothing you need at this size right away, especially if we’re talking games, so what’s the harm in waiting until you can use WiFi? Just slowly walk by a Starbucks, McDonalds, etc. if you’re that bothered.
Most Millenial headline award goes to:
Jesus dude an ellipsis is not a replacement for a period.
It is. I’m into this game (and have played every main MGS) but I fully understand where they’re coming from as it’s possible to like someone like Kojima and still accept that they’re not perfect. A dry response like yours shows that the cult of personality exists.