
Damn. These are useful. Was able to quickly find out there’s no Switch Pro controller deals (it’s been $60 for a few weeks now so I’m hoping for that ultra sweet $50 price point) but at least there’s a Joycon sale for those looking to pickup a spare set. Before someone tries to sell me on those cheap wired

No need to mansplain NVMe to me. I use it in my desktop. My server does not have any sort of M.2 slot at all and in terms of IOPS (I run a server, sequential speeds are not so important) the jump from HDD to SATA SSD is much bigger than the jump from SATA SSD to NVMe.

No need to mansplain NVMe to me. I use it in my desktop. My server does not have any sort of M.2 slot at all and in

Let’s be real. Romaine belongs in the trash anyways.

Wow. Obviously this is how SSDs have been trending but it’s certainly something to finally see the pricing hit this point. For most people that 1TB SSD is all they’ll ever need. For me, this has exciting server applications. More so on the lazy side: I simply won’t have to micromanage what’s on my SSD at this point

Wow. Obviously this is how SSDs have been trending but it’s certainly something to finally see the pricing hit this

The Switch Pro controller has been at or around $60 for a few weeks at least at multiple outlets. I’m waiting for a $50 deal so it’s actually priced near other controllers

The Switch Pro controller has been at or around $60 for a few weeks at least at multiple outlets. I’m waiting for a

So yes, it’s all marketing, to bring it back to the guy’s original joke.

Ah yes, of course, all that matters is who you replied to, ignoring that this isn’t your thread in the first place. You’re proving my point by using terms like “identical” so good job at continuing to be usefully pedantic.

Absolutely none of this has anything to do with what time period a full team actually started working on it. “Hype” doesn’t have anything to do with the human beings who make games.

Or, in other words, they keep offering products that are excellent for hardcore fans, but mean very little to folks who played I and II, and just want to see the story conclude.

Nice... use... of... ellipses... always... great... to... see.. someone... reply... like this.

That is how you would word this if you weren’t an asshole, correct.

You completely dodged the question and missed the point. Again, how do you remove something that isn’t there in the first place? You’re just using this as a platform to rant about x thing you hate about Destiny 2 this week which unfortunately is how the comment sections for this game seems to work. For a game so many

So where is the money coming from that paid for this? At my company this shit all comes from the marketing budget. We also have plenty of examples beyond my own company where Instagrammers and other influencers are explicitly paid. Are you trying to argue that this never happens? For someone in marketing you seem to

Unfortunately I’ve learned that the particular type of people who only see things literally are rarely convinced because their worldview doesn’t allow for much leeway into the reality of how things work beyond the most obvious levels.

How do you remove something that wasn’t there in th first place? If we’re extending this terrible logic to pre-release development then there’s also sorts of features, weapons, characters, stories, etc. that are “taken out” of all games. It’s a really stupid focus on amount of content instead of enjoying what’s there.

There’s tons of parallel you’re just afraid to see the world in anything other than the most literal way possible.

It all comes from the same marketing budget. Also, you seem to be oblivious of the term “influencer” for someone who wants to talk marketing.

This is 100% marketing. There’s no way they’re getting this truck for free without an expectation of them posting about it if not outright in the terms that this has to happen. I’m not in marketing myself, but I’ve worked close enough to it to see how this sort of things go, and “goodwill” is still selectively chosen.

Just switch to Dr. Bronners which they straight up tell you can be used for anything. 

HDDs? In a computer? Naw, those go in my server. SSDs only on the desktop. Though really bro this seems like obvious advice and didn’t need to be said given the audience. Who is doing stuff like this but isn’t aware of what magnets can do? Though I’d be cautious if I was going that route, and I’m not, I’d still be

HDDs? In a computer? Naw, those go in my server. SSDs only on the desktop. Though really bro this seems like obvious