
Seems like an awkward thing to ask my landlord about.

Whoa,  it’s Whitson! I didn’t realize you were on any of the sites anymore though I see the posts aren’t frequent. Nice to see you and reminding me that I should get a magnetic parts tray because that’s the most annoying thing about any electronics repair

Whoa,  it’s Whitson! I didn’t realize you were on any of the sites anymore though I see the posts aren’t frequent.

ToysRUs is only a single reseller. Amazon sells stuff on their own site obviously and so do many other resellers. The prices fluctuate a lot. It just wouldn’t be feasible without some caveats. Hard to imagine a good way to make it appealing (and easy to understand) with a note that says:
*price guaranteed only when

They’re adding a second floor. I think the issue is just getting more options to match the increased use of the airport as Seattle itself has become busier.

I’ve flown out of Seatac a ton and this sounds atypical. Did you fly on one of the busiest days of the year? I remember a Reddit thread a while back where someone was complaining about how bad it was near some holiday. Well duh. Considering you have one example and the rest of us have many I’m going to bet you just

So one state is handling this badly. From my understanding from a friend that lives there it’s due to some very intense NIMBYism and propaganda. However, I don’t see how this would lead to an increase in drug dealers. Why would this increase demand? 

As mentioned the amount you pay doesn’t determine the enjoyment but if they give you x or y content which you got. Your complaint is about the experience and not the content. It was your mistake to pay all of that money up front instead of just getting the base game for $60 which is the normal price for a game. I’m

It’s not like this is unprecedented. Overwatch is in the style of a mobile game but is on PC. Also, “pivot” implies that they’re re-assigning devs, when the article clearly states otherwise. Pivot is not the correct term here as this has no impact on anything they’re doing on PC. Again, this is covered in the article.

The Sucker Punch quote is interesting. I don’t think they nailed Seattle at all. It’s odd as they’re located so close but it’s like no one working on the game actually did anything but head into the city as a tourist now and then. Architecture is wrong, layout isn’t even close, stores/restaurants/etc don’t look like

So you bought the base game, then paid for the DLC on top of that, and somehow this is the developers and/or publishers fault? If you didn’t enjoy it why did you spend the full $100? Don’t tell me you purchased before knowing what the content is like. Don’t do that. Multiple writers on Kotaku tell you not to do that.

So if you buy a game at full price and you don’t enjoy it despite playing it for x number of hours do you think you deserve a refund? That is some insane entitlement that only exists in the video game community. If you go to a bad movie, if your team loses, if the new HBO show sucks, etc, you don’t get your money

Assholes do awesome things all of the time. They’re still assholes.

Paying a fine makes you a criminal?

I’m sorry but why do you think early adopters should be rewarded and why does it matter if you paid for something but then didn’t use it? This is the entitlement I’m talking about. You’re just proving me right by thinking you’re owed something for absolutely no reason. You were owed only one thing, which is the game,

I highly disagree with this take and it’s clear you’re not making an honest argument when you 1) admit that Godbrand only has a major role in a few epsiodes but then 2) turn around and then say the entire show is bad due to this. Which is it? Do you know how to discuss things in anything other than extremes? This sort

I don’t think you have a grasp on what moving the goalposts means. Follow the context here. Though, that would provide actually doing anything other than looking for a reason to shit on some company that has nothing to do with you.

What the article is referring to is definitely not a network bug and I never called it. However, if you had actually followed the context (that you created) of the conversation, we were talking about other things besides that as we were talking about the usefulness of betas in general.

Given your average entitled internet shitposter whatever they give you’ll just move onto to complain the next thing isn’t free. Why do they owe you anything for a game that’s been out for over a year? If this was a month or something, sure, but this is not a new game at this point.

Yeah fuck that entire year and a half of enjoyment for $100

The article was just using shorthand not literally telling you all of the details to make this happen. This works like you’d expect it to.