Wow Bungie is making Diablo 4!?
Wow Bungie is making Diablo 4!?
The core game was fairly fun solo but it seems like most of the DLC since has turned it into a massive grindfest typical of MMOs. Not sure how much the Forsaken re-work (the part that was free to everyone) changed this though. As for working with people when playing “solo” you only see a few other people running…
For someone complaining about it being overly complicated you managed to write more the writer. I didn’t bother making it past your first point as it’s exactly what was said in the article.
I’ve traveled with just a bag under my seat which has no charge in this case. Really depends on the trip which should definitely be factored into the planning stage to figure out what ticket to buy.
Yeah that’s straight up called “Premium” on Alaska flights. Though given their track record lately they’ll have these same tiers within a year
Hmmm, not so sure about that. It’s something if you do it enough time it feels like second nature. So find someone who travels a lot and asks them what’s up. I try to be that guy for my friends. It’s a mix of planning (and just spending the damn money instead of overthinking it, it’s rarely worth the small savings)…
You’ve moved the goalposts. Network bugs are still bugs. This is especially important for a MMO like this but that doesn’t back your pre-conceived notion about how this game must be terrible so of course it doesn’t count. This argument would work better if it wasn’t an online game. As it stands though most betas are…
Godbrand was entertaining as all hell and allowed other characters to develop by putting them up against someone so brash. This is very basic writing I’m having to explain to you dude. You don’t hire Warren Ellis to write your show and then just waste him on nothing but action scenes.
I sure as hell wouldn’t do that (or pre-order, which is how that tends to happen) but that’s an entirely separate issue.
Sounds like you’re already prepared to move the goal posts from “did they fix this issue” to “did they fix all of the issues” which of course misses the point by the very nature of moving the goalposts.
Hmm, software developer that doesn’t know that QA still exists, do you happen to work at Microsoft? Also, why are you posting on Kotaku if you can’t keep up with basic ins and outs of the industry? We had a huge article very recently that had a huge portion dedicated to the QA team of one of the largest video game…
Yeah fuck character and story development let’s just make it all action.
I would be shocked if they couldn’t fix an issue like this in 2 weeks. I find your argument as a whole disingenuous and generally not worthy of the typically well though out posts about how game development works you find on Kotaku compared to other sites. I don’t believe that you’ve honestly forgotten about day 1…
They still do that. Betas are often used for network tests and how the game reacts in more environments than you come across in QA. You can QA the fuck out of a product, even do closed and public betas, and you still won’t find every issue compared to when it’s unleashed to everyone at once. Your expectations are…
Pitfall is in the horror genre? Wouldn’t this be more of a platformer? Are you saying every platformer you’ve ever had issues with, which is basically this genres thing for a ton of its time, is horror?
Seriously bro? You’re this scared of installing software you can just remove if it doesn’t work as expected?
Scrolled too far and you didn’t notice that you were on a different article probably.
Why only count games made in Indianapolis?
Well the whole point of a beta is to make the end product less crap so not sure what you mean. If anything, this is why you should play the beta if you care about this.
Good luck rallying against the Unicode Consortium. Might want to look at that member list and realize how widely Unicode, and thus the emojis that are part of it, are used.