Number one, group video chats already do this
Number one, group video chats already do this
Yeah it’s really too bad you can’t download hardware updates.
Backpack was on the used list which applies it was high quality to begin with to keep lasting. Rice cooker, well it’s a simple kitchen appliance made in absolutely massive quantities, $20 is reasonable for a basic one. As for the phone charger you can get any sort of quality one way for way less than that that has all…
fancy tuner
Why would Starz continue to renew a show that no one is watching? I’ve never seen it but come on bro that’s just not how TV works
Plus I’m assuming Ja Rule gets a very small amount of that money, most likely goes to the venue and the booking agent
I think you’re taking this to the extreme to rile people up for an argument or easy stars. All they’re saying is “the controls would be better” which didn’t stop GTA5, RDR, GTA4, or any of their other games where you could level this same criticism. You’re taking it to mean that it completely saps the enjoyment of the…
Wouldn’t that be a reverse Dolezal?
But if you have to go from one gate to another, you still need to take a bus. And god forbid you go to the wrong terminal; you have to go through security all over again.
Not very evil though is it?
Ask for another round after beverage service is over and the cart and card reader have been put away—nine times out of ten they’ll throw you an extra little bottle of booze, rather than drag the card reader out to charge you.
You can’t explore a movie or TV series like a game. Are we still doing this take in 2018? I thought we left that behind this generation.
Like Jason, Kirk doesn’t take a “you shouldn’t buy this over the crunch” stance either, and looks at it for the complex issue with no easy solution that it is. Unlike Jason’s article, Kirk is reviewing the game, so is able to make connections not just between who worked on what but also to how the game’s narrative…
If you can game these days you definitely don’t need to worry about the resource usage of your music player.
I am baffled that anyone thinks Winamp has a better layout than Groove. I’d actually use Groove it had support. Winamp... well that was already superceded by better applications a decade ago. If I’m going to use something I have to mess with to be usable I’ll use Foobar. Thanks to Facets it’s actually easier…
I’m sure the blog writer will get right on fixing that.
Or you know you could read the article. Unfortunately, that’s too often a tall ask in the comment section.
Well for most companies it’s just yet another platform they need to market and have a presence on. Most of them aren’t fucking up like this and are spreading awareness, interacting with their community, etc., that is having a positive impact on their bottom line.
Yet, most everything upvoted is a throwaway post that doesn’t acknowledge the content, with very few exceptions. The high shitposting ratio of the comment section seems to be about who wrote this article more than the content as someone who is unfamiliar with the writer and just saw this as a related story.