Here’s a good example of why men need feminism. These outdated ideas of masculinity hurt men. Let a guy cry.
Here’s a good example of why men need feminism. These outdated ideas of masculinity hurt men. Let a guy cry.
“Network” is literally the second category.
I want to give a shoutout to their size comparison tool as well. In this day of ever expanding smartphone sizes it’s becoming harder and harder to determine what is actually considered “small” these days so this tool is great. It lets you choose your current phone, put it up to the screen, then adjust scaling so the…
How has maintenance been in those 6 years? This is one of my biggest concerns. Will I be able to work on it? Will a shop? Will I have to take it somewhere specific? How expensive are repairs? Etc.
Definitely have tried the vodka + la croix with mixed results so will definitely try this as it looks to be an improvement. I like White Claws more than just straight vodka + seltzer so props for this.
Gaikai worked in browser many years ago:
Again, this is the tech that PS Now uses. Requiring a “client” really doesn’t mean much. Not all of us use Chrome.
I guess what I’m curious about is how this compares to other services. Streaming in a browser is not new. Gaikai did this 6 years ago before being purchased from Sony. Now, PlayStation Now works similarly to what you’ve described here. Wasn’t looking for anything in-depth but it would be nice to know if this is a…
Congratulations, you’ve completely missed the point of the article.
Congratulations, you’ve completely missed the point of the article.
You get one free change so you’re purposefully excluding information which shows you’re not replying in good faith.
I’m not sure how you read this article and didn’t get how the issue is that this stuff clearly isn’t there in the first place but is being jammed in. JK Rowling is trying to retroactively make it “progressive” though of course even with all of these changes it’s far from that.
This system comes from 2 presidents ago, in fact.
Multiple sources say that’s not how it works:
I’m sorry but how is a test of a system using it for personal agenda? This is exactly the kind of shit OP is referring to. People have just turned off their brains and have forgotten these types of alerts already exist and now we just have a new category.
Why spread this misinformation? Multiple sources say that’s not how it works:
This isn’t a new system.
Do a tiny bit of research and you’ll see that’s not how it works.
Why spread this misinformation? Multiple sources say that’s not how it works:
Has no one ever received an amber alert before or a weather related message? This is not at all a big deal. It came in exactly as one of those does... which is what we were told would happen.
I try and avoid the burnout by just timing my genres so I jump around a bit. Adult video gaming: so fun it requires planning!
I actually haven’t picked up Celeste yet (last game like this I played was Hollow Knight) so I was thinking the same thing! This, unfortunately, was not the only review I’ve read with a similar sentiment to Jason’s. With so many great 2D platformers I still have yet to go through I won’t bother with this.