Some of my favorite ways of handling difficulty:
Some of my favorite ways of handling difficulty:
The little kid in me is losing his damn mind right now.
Unfortunately, those hackers have carried over to the console versions as well now. Maybe not quite the same amount, but the incredible lack of care and attention from the devs/publishers for something that has been a big problem since the first game makes me question how people consider them to be among the best.
I think with my comments on other GTA related articles, it’s clear that I’m the opposite here, I’m finally starting to agree with people who’ve been complaining about all the grinding and overpriced items, and my fun is all but dead now.
Like most people here, I’m not surprised after how many poor decisions went into Agents. Though I do feel pretty bad for them, always been a fan of most of their games, before and after the creation of Saints.
Yeah, it’s free-ish, but when PlayStation is getting MGS5 for free-ish at the same time... it’s a little hard to not be disappointed by 2 interactive stories whose hype died a year+ ago, and yet another Rayman.
SH Revelations follows the plot of SH3 very well, albeit with better acting and arguably more believable storytelling in the “main characters’ everyday life” beginning portion. A lot of people like to still say it sucks, but as far as following the source material goes, it does one of the best jobs.
Ah, yes, GTA’s “Penned In” minigame. Fun little romp, that is!
There are multiple other games doing the same thing, most of which are just as exclusively focused on the mode as PUBG is, along with more set to release later. Not seeing anyone get mad at them, even when they look better, have more players per game..
Every time Xbox does something to highlight upcoming indie games, there’s always a small part of me that thinks “now’s the time they’ll finally show an Xbox version of The Forest.”
Agreed. That, and at least from what I’ve seen, they haven’t done much to clarify if the PVP will be optional or not. It seems like too many games are going down the “forced PVP” path lately, and I’ve been in need of some more recent titles where the focus is just on having fun solo or with friends.
You raise a good point about virginity tropes. What’s even worse is that tropes very quickly becoming “If you’re in high school and still a virgin, you’re the butt of every joke ever and you’re probably a shut-in until you lose it.” Really one extreme to the other there, and it’s far too rare to get a happy, at least…
Not quite on the same level of “WTF” here, but this just reminded me of when Friday Night Lights was one of the required summer reading books back in my high school years. (Yup, says a lot about high school as a whole when about half of the summer reading books were about football)
GTA mechanics? Like what?
Have you watched the show? Cause, making fun of EVERYTHING is kinda the point.
Another good one: Resident Evil 4 has adaptive difficulty, it just never mentions it. Dying multiple times at the same section will see the overall number of enemies there drop off significantly.
From someone who’s been a fan since DR1:
If it weren’t for the existence of RE7, I’d be inclined to agree with you. There’s at least 1 team among them that can still put out high quality stuff.
Man, I used to be one hell of a cheater back in the day. Of course, “back in the day” meant the PS1 & 2 days, where everything was, at best, couch co-op (especially since I didn’t have the internet for PS2 online when that became a thing).. There was no hurting anyone else, it was simply just “I want to do some crazy…
Rockstar’s “supposed” obsession with shark cards? I mean, it’s not hard to believe they are obsessed with it when they have to mention how good those cards are doing every couple of months, despite the value of them dropping drastically and becoming more of a blatant rip off by the day. When the game was only a few…