
Easy, the exact same way that they continued the first game’s story in the second. It’s “so far into the future” that your choice once again has zero impact on the world anymore, with just some vague references to the things that needed to happen for the story to progress.

I thought the same thing about this wall. These do look a lot like the modifications that the Laser Rifle had in New Vegas. Really hoping that gun customizing comes back, it was one of the best additions to NV.

The first RE movie was great, despite it basically being more a zombie movie with a bunch of REferences (ha) than anything..and I still think the 2nd one was awesome for following the plot more than any others (“Nemesis has feelings” bullshit aside)

Fair points there. I personally haven’t come across the “clipping out and falling into nothingness” glitch in DL yet (which is pretty surprising when it has happened to me in many other recent games), but I agree that 3 lives does sound way too strict when things like that are entirely possible. Though I’d have to

First off, thank you for providing a counter argument with something other than a Souls game. Even though Meat Boy was only really popular as far as indie games go, it really is one of very few games that manages to be difficult for reasons other than either cheap mechanics or design flaws.

They also added a series of new parkour races scattered around both of the base game’s areas for free for everyone. Even though I feel like those challenges have always brought out the worst in the game’s controls, they were definitely added in as a kind of practice for the DLC, and people should definitely be

As far as HD versions go, RE3 still hasn’t had one either unless you count straight up ports (and if you do, RE2 had those), along with just about all of the side games before Revelations.

I wouldn’t say GTA expansion announcement is too far fetched.

Even the Souls games are connected. See: Shattered Lordvessel in Majula house, island looking suspiciously like Drangleic being visible in Demon Souls opening, and Dark Souls 2 making many vague references to the events of 1.

The artist put the effort into giving them weapons, taping up Brock’s feet (or upon closer examination, possibly putting his torso on someone else’s legs), and then making them blend into art that looks like a painting, but can’t take the comparatively short amount of time to brush out some extremely recognizable

So then bass shouldn’t also play it, right?

A little bit confused here. The GH “Live” portion of the game is when you’re playing alongside the actual band in live action, right?

Remember, this is coming from the people who thought the guitar should play the intro in Seven Nation Army, or the keyboards in Through the Fire and Flames. They’ll make shit up if they have to for the sake of challenge.

It’s almost a guarantee at this point that all of the old RB and GH peripherals will work when playing RB4, because that and the DLC compatibility have been some of the main goals with the game. I don’t think asking people to stick with the same console company is too much either.. it’s ensuring that potentially

Remember the fake Fallout 4 countdown website, with cryptic audio & all? They didn’t say a word about it until the countdown was almost over.. I wouldn’t put a lot of trust on them to do a better job with that.

Seems to be a mix of the reboot and Freddy Vs Jason looks.

Assuming this code hasn’t been here from the start and it’s just the remains of a lost feature, there’s one other major possibility.

I’m with you on being a Valve fan, and you’re probably right. Even DN: Forever gave us a teaser trailer a couple of times. The only thing we’ve been given as far as HL3 goes was a cliffhanger ending and a very old announcement of a total of 3 episodes.

Of course, all of this should be taken with a massive grain of salt, as a majority of “code leaks” supposedly coming from the game’s files since launch have been a load of crap.

*still waiting for Psi-Ops 2*