
Konami is on a roll with shooting themselves in the foot lately. They might as well just let Kojima have the Silent Hill rights at this point, especially since the teasers & trailer were better than most of the full recent SH games.

Exactly. Ever since playing Dark Souls 1, I’ve felt like it’s an adventure game, just with a fantasy theme and very light rpg elements.. but there’s little to no actual role playing to be found here (hell, a lot of the story of the 2 games revolves around you really not being all that important in the grand scheme of

A lot of these topics are surprisingly on point, except for one in particular.. “The game supports community” Hell no, it doesn’t. Not nearly as much as the game supports people being jerks, because the game itself is a jerk. I’d also like to add on a couple of my own arguments here: The game’s difficulty isn’t the

It’s been split 50/50 for you? That’s some serious luck right there. I attempted a few of the setup missions with a random crew.. The mission involving obtaining the Insurgent trucks was a total clusterfuck with random people. I had an easy time driving the gunless truck by myself, but the rest of the crew in the

...But being a co-op phantom actually makes your weapons degrade even faster, along with doing slightly less damage than normal. This issue really just makes the Bracing Knuckle Ring almost a necessity for melee fighters.

Or they could go back to making good Armored Core games again.

I don’t expect games to be bug free, but I do expect a developer to acknowledge when something is in fact a bug at some point. It’s been about a year now and the game’s given a full re-release, and yet the bugs are unpatched at best, if not even worse? It’s almost as if all of these poor design choices are done on

Meanwhile there are still easter eggs hidden in games that have been around for much longer, with the only known information being that developers have outright said players haven’t found them yet.

Now playing

Blah blah, that's all fine and dandy, but have you heard the NEW TOOL SONG!?!?

They've come pretty close a few times, but they've been few and far between. Most recent one would be Xavier Woods' original tights having "over 9000" on them. Other than that, most of it tends to be promotional stuff on YouTube channels or talk of everyday life in interviews.

Well, if that was the case for mine, then shouldn't they have said and/or done something about it when I sent it to them for repairs on multiple occasions?

Yeah, G73JH to be precise. Now that you mention it, I had to replace the battery on mine too. You got lucky then, all the saving & reviving I tried to do wasn't enough I guess.

After my awful experience with an older, similarly massive Asus laptop, I can't trust them or the concept of a gaming laptop at all anymore. It was supposed to be the best of its time, handling every game on the market without breaking a sweat. Between the specs just not supporting that concept, and Asus stock thermal

I highly doubt the booing is because of the 2nd possible reason. If the general fans were still mad about the streak (as they probably should be, that match was disgustingly bad for many reasons), they wouldn't be cheering Lesnar for whatever reason that they are right now.

Ok, I'm all for freedom of expression and everything else showing some skin falls under, but some of the arguments in support of the cleavage here are absolutely terrible. The real problem behind all of it is that yes, it does attract overly horny kids in that weird part of puberty where a freakin gap between skin

I feel zero regret over pulling the plug, but it's also a testament to the way From Software designed the Souls games. Players have power.

GTA V is the ultimate sandbox for villainy and crime. The only thing I really longed for was some stronger female characters (would it be too hopeful to long for a female protagonist in the next GTA?).

Well when one of their main goals is to make the old instruments work, my bet would be on it staying with that formula. RB3 had Pro mode for the "towing the line" part, but for guitar/bass, that meant a completely different controller (because it had strings and more fret buttons), which was pretty damn expensive on

Despite the solid proof that the dress is blue and black, there are STILL people who refuse to believe it's anything other than white/gold.