
I clicked on this really hoping that her arguments improved over the years, but it's just more of the same hypocritical, "race to see who can be the most offended", obsessed with making women look like victims instead of equals crap. None of these "issues" are exclusive to females in gaming, but of course it only

You say "tried," but the guy who used the Guitar Hero controller on Dark Souls II succeeded. Might've even been a "kill all bosses" run at the same time, if I remember.

Hmm...well, there's about a 99.9% chance those are implants.. soo, maybe they're just reeallly tiny, to the point where they can be tucked away in that little amount of coverage?

Loving the hate this outfit is getting already. As far as Ivy goes, it's definitely nothing new for her (remember 2's fabric-defying look? At least this one works from a "can be done irl without a whole lot of risk" standpoint) and fits her character well / looks totally badass, all things related to gaming

Well, that's what I get for never finishing the original games. So then, MG2 takes place after MGS2?

Check out the slider below. On the left, the North American version of the motivation mini-game. On the left, the original Japanese.

It could be, but I remember them implying in an interview that the Scholar was an NPC we're already familiar with, just with more of a purpose throughout the story now. They also said no new areas, but that screenshot makes me think they weren't being honest (though I have no idea why they would lie about content,

Ok, I'm drawing a blank here. They did say there wouldn't be any completely new enemies or locations.. but I'm looking at the trailer's thumbnail and I have no idea what or where that is. I've been through the game ~5 times, and all of the DLC at least once, and I thought I was able to recognize all of it by now, but

Ha! While you may have a point there, I feel like Bryan should keep mixing up his moves more often. That corner backflip is always cool to watch, but sometimes it looks like he's getting into the (bad) habit of having a routine in every match, similar to some of the other top guys lately.

The couple sentences that had the same formula as all of Cena's promos, with basically calling himself a heel thrown in. "I've done ___, ___, ___. I never back down from anything (backed down from UFC but whatever). I'm so good. My name is ______ and I overcome everything." He might as well have started taking Cena's

I don't remember any huge reactions from the streak ending, besides looks of disappointment on people's faces. Considering Heyman and commentators are the only people still acting like that match was any good, I'm not sure that's the best example to use. And no, a beast wouldn't run away from UFC the second he goes on

The record breaking Survivor Series match was great, and if he was nearly as bad as people are suddenly calling him, then the Shield wouldn't have been such a major success, and their matches against Wyatt Family & Evolution wouldn't have been some of the greatest tag matches this era has seen.

You mean Heyman reusing the same material we've heard since WM30 and directing it to Roman, featuring Lesnar standing around on the side and saying 2 things? Yeah, saw it. There's something to be said about a manager getting all of the attention... even if that manager is Heyman.

Your first mistake was expecting a given WWE story to have all of the proper stages to a plot. You know, the company which is notorious for, among other things, scrapping stories before giving them any kind of ending, or bouncing back and forth between multiple plots as they see fit. The majority of feuds will finish

Considering most of his hate seems to have started on a couple small forums (or entire blogs dedicated to hating on him? Was that even a thing before?), I figured it was fitting to say so.

Exactly my point! Glad some people here see it that way. And besides, Bryan's in a freakin CASKET MATCH on this coming SmackDown!? Oh hell yes. I don't even care that Kane's character as part of the Authority sucks, that match right there is worth watching for. I also partly hope Kane loses it so he can disappear to

You may be right about those points, but..what if they're not planning on Brock still having the title at Mania? Unless Brock conveniently disappears from ring action again, it's not entirely impossible that Rollins can successfully cash in within the next month and a half or so. That way, it's Reigns vs Rollins at

Comparisons aren't a bad thing, but too many of them and one can eventually get stuck being overshadowed by the other, and that's where I see it going if they do too many similar things with Roman (or any new person who's had family in the business for that matter). That 7 year rule is interesting, and they've

Really, you'd be fine if Rusev won the Rumble and got the "top spot" at WrestleMania before they even do something interesting with him? Somehow I doubt that.

Even still, monster heels should be able to cut a decent promo. Rusev speaks for himself more often than Brock does without even speaking English, Kane did his own speeches when he returned to the monster stuff back in 2011..sure, he's got Heyman doing all of the human interaction stuff for him, but even he's starting