
I guess it depends, really. Mostly competent teammates can get through the first level of a campaign in a couple of minutes since most first levels are short & easy, probably getting a little less than halfway through the total campaign before the end of the time limit. (I would say further than that, but some time

It's their license, so they had to have some kind of say in how much money is made off of playing this, for both themselves and the people who turned it into this. The short time limit was probably not their idea, but the cost had to come from an agreement somewhere.

Some players noted the price—namely, that 300 yen (around $3), gets you 15 minutes of play. To continue, you can insert another 100 yen ($1) for another 270 seconds.

Thank you, Adam. You've been a huge inspiration to me ever since the beginning of Xplay by being one of the first to show me that not only were video games an acceptable hobby to have, but that it was also possible to make a living off of it.

So in other words, this guy's a better villain than most others in popular videogames before we even see what the game looks like. Great job, Ubisoft. Impressive work again. Smart move to not feed the trolls here, too.

There's always at least 1 bad OS in between all of their great ones.

I'm not sure you know what "half" means, it looks more like 4/5 of the size to me. Anyway, we're still not sure if there are any such problems. Don't forget that the last gen took about a year or so before people realized that the red rings/yellow light of death were far too common.

Are you sure? In that counterclockwise example, you can only see the ankle of the flat foot when the other is pointed forward, while you can still make out the shape of the toes the rest of the time. In order for it to work out properly like this, she'd have to be raising her foot and spinning on her ankle when facing

This outline messes me up more than the illusion itself. She's spinning clockwise, and her foot gives it away. Her flat foot stays consistent with where she is facing when spinning clockwise, but when it's the other way around, her foot twists into different directions for most of it. So unless she's one hell of a

Here's why it would be a terrible move for everyone:

I'm sensing doom on the horizon for Twitch because of this. Just look at all of the awful changes made to YouTube ever since Google bought them, like mandatory Google+ accounts (which still hasn't been enough for people to really care about that site).. Not to mention their own mediocre streaming service and partner

I imagine trying to play L4D with a Wii Remote...and I imagine severe awkwardness. Now what they need to do is put 2 of those 4-sets back to back and give it the competitive modes that it was made for.

I'm not sure which I'm more surprised by.. how young the person is (wouldn't surprise me 8+ years ago, but now? I didn't expect it to still be a big thing with kids) or how feminine they look, since RuneScape is among the higher offenders of self-proclaimed females being fake.

I'm not sure how people are guessing mr. pink suit is the protagonist, he's got "evil douche" written all over him. May not nearly look as menacing as Vaas, but I have faith in Ubisoft for making sure I hate this fucker long before I get to fight him.

A feature nowhere to be found on Sony's end doesn't count? Typical, but okay. They have the advantages of listening to what the fans want and giving it to them. Something to rival PS+? Done. Cheaper version with no Kinect? Done. The best features of the 360 coming back (ie. the party chat system)? Done and then some.

In terms of the experience itself, they're really not the best at online though. Connection quality and social activity, 2 very important things in online gaming, have been and still currently are worse, especially now that Microsoft has a metric fuckton of dedicated servers for their entire service. The beginning was

Are you sure that's what Sony is doing? Last I checked, the free online gameplay was one of the few advantages PS3 had over 360, and that's gone this time around. Microsoft is being intelligent by listening to their target audience, whereas Sony hasn't done a whole lot to mix things up post-launch. They came out

Power doesn't mean anything except eye candy, and even their exclusive games aren't using it. All of the power in the world doesn't matter when the games still barely touch 60fps once in a while, or are even any better than 720p.

Very. The way it's done on Xbox 360 isn't changing, we're still keeping every free thing they give us on that until the end. As for the One approaching it the same way Sony has been, I'd say it's a necessary evil. The system isn't even a year old yet, so developers wouldn't want to make some bulk deal in which people

Simply put, the PS4 is running out of advantages fast. Between this and announcing no more necessary Gold for internet-required apps, along with changing the way Games With Gold will work on XB1 (as much as it sucks not actually being able to keep the games, it will mean better and newer ones to come)...this